Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb past] he " in BNC.

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1 On subsequent visits to Spain Minton did reveal enough knowledge of Spanish to engage locals in conversations in bars , but in 1949 the only Spanish Bernard heard him say was ‘ No , melón ! ’ to a waiter .
2 Richard Elliott , the Headmaster , chose Francis as one of the first pupil teachers , and in due course promoted him to the position of junior teacher at the Margate branch of the Asylum .
3 His political inclinations got him into trouble again in 1940 , however .
4 He had toyed with the fantasy of sleeping with her ; the rich smell aroused him .
5 Although he could not read or write , Burke learnt fast , but it was not until he was 18 , nearly 19 , that Parrish gave him his first fight .
6 That upbringing served him well for Robert Redford 's Thirties drama The River Runs Through It , adapted from a novel by Norman MacLean about family conflict and fly fishing .
7 Her calm , lazy response made him laugh .
8 The experience in Gentle Jack and the speech that caused all the problems in that play stood him in good stead .
9 His advanced views made him unpopular with many of the clergy .
10 And , when the cast of The Hooded Owl met him , they could understand why .
11 His tousled hair gave him an appealingly boyish appearance , and Robbie found herself aching to smooth it for him , to run her fingers over the dark stubble on his cheeks .
12 Deacon had taken over the head of the formation as the leader 's R/T was not working , and calling a warning to the other pilots , he swung into the attack on one Messerschmitt from the quarter position , breaking away to attack a second similarly , though in neither case did he observe any results .
13 And the London-based scientist said he believed it was more than a coincidence that the same colony seemed to have been affected by a second strain of the gizzard worm infection which killed 137 birds last year .
14 Delahunty 's reports from the burning stand that afternoon won him worldwide acclaim and a number of top international radio and journalistic awards .
15 Of Burke 's politics Johnson believed , as he did of any political opponent , that honesty deserted him when embroiled politically , only to return when engaged conversationally or intellectually .
16 He was a good footballer , who would have made the top in that field had he so wished .
17 He was running short of petrol and that route offered him the chance to capture replenishments along the way .
18 That coincidence pleased him .
19 My father , by his own efforts , got into the commissioned classes , but lack of a private income forced him to leave his chosen regiment and find a less fashionable , less expensive one .
20 An ample private income allowed him time to indulge his tastes for writing , politics , and rowing .
21 The interim parliament condemned him for acting contrary to the peace process , and for a gross violation of basic human rights ; Johnson had given an undertaking to Sawyer that he would desist from carrying out executions , after previous killings of rebels and civilians .
22 that experience changed him in every way .
23 The use of enamel , the brilliant understanding of colour , yes , that piece reminded him of Giuliano , though-the design was more subtle , less heavy .
24 The sight of a wounded soldier left him raw and angry .
25 The soft lines of the sweatshirt that moulded the broad shoulders gave him an air of easy , masculine power , and the blue almost exactly matched the blue of his eyes .
26 The facelessness of that figure worried him deeply .
27 Her hazel eyes flayed him .
28 A year ago Nicky , Rob 's girlfriend of about eight months convinced him to go back to the ice pack that nearly killed him .
29 He took hundreds and hundreds of acid trips , and real strong stock enabled him to do it .
30 INTREPID David Bradshaw broke the Great Bognor Birdman record yesterday — but winning the wacky contest cost him dearly .
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