Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 When Mark Bright arrived on the Palace scene the following year the duo soon established a marvellously successful striking twosome and it was largely their goals which took the club to the promotion play-offs and a return to Division One in 1989 .
2 Disabled people tend to be under-represented in mainstream provision whether it be YTP , JTP , ACE or Enterprise Training .
3 it look just like a ski resort all the bright jackets and the woolly hats and it was lovely , I mean they made it into , into an absolute skating ring for driving on
4 We 'll probably find out in due course but it has been a disappointment .
5 Whether your child is with or without symptoms , they should receive normal immunisations and it is safe to use the following vaccines :
6 This ‘ instinctive revulsion from regulation ’ is the foundation of his libertarian heritage and it gives rise to a particular vision of how broadcasting should develop and what its purposes should be .
7 The demise of capitalism can only be the consequence of a political struggle and it is the course of this struggle between classes , in the conditions created by the development of the capitalist mode of production , which we now have to examine .
8 the trouble is not having enough modern catalogues of , of things that you can actually buy today because when they manufacturer them now they do n't erm make catalogues as often as they used to do er , it costs so much money in it I 'd er , I , I think that probably the next trend is going to be in lighting fittings er which will take in er you er , low energy lamps er , at the erm , the new fluorescent lamps er where erm , well there 's one in the hall which takes eight watts and it 's given us as much light out as a hundred watt lamp , er and
9 Without Einstein 's insight , in part inspired by the trivial' matter of Mercury 's orbit , our knowledge of science , not to mention our technology , would be at a much lower level than it is today .
10 Well it 's easier to recruit at the lower level than it is the upper
11 It is an important matter because clearly if er if the matter er if the suspicion er turns out to have been reasonable but not to bear t further examination then an accountant er could find themselves in great difficulty er both with regard to pecuniary difficulty and also professional difficulty and it 's something the minister needs to look at .
12 If a company does not pay a supplier 's bill on time it has the use of that money until it does so .
13 If a company does not pay a supplier 's bill on time it has the use of that money until it does so .
14 Professor Wilkinson said it was not ‘ disregarded ’ — as the Independent claimed on Friday — but ‘ given a low rating because it was such a piece of opportunist propaganda ’ .
15 Etched into Kinder Scout 's northern flanks , the clough provides pleasant rock-hopping as it twists and turns upwards until you enter a fine , hidden amphitheatre which gives good scrambling up rocky steps .
16 and it immediately dies down and then it 's okay , but there was this tremendous roar and a loud click and it went out .
17 Sir Hector said : ‘ There was a general acceptance that we have to get things moving in the right direction but it is not easy to find a quick solution . ’
18 In civil defence terms the Scud attacks , directed as they were at civilian populations , posed a dilemma for the Israeli authorities as it was not known in advance whether the missiles would carry conventional or chemical warheads .
19 ‘ The terrorist group included a youth of about fifteen with bleached hair and it is thought that glimpses of this boy were used skilfully to support the terrorists ' claims .
20 I mean I 'm gon na try and give , the first two guys and er Mike who came in , they did n't do very well cos they did n't actually mention that bit and it did n't flow from then on , you 've got ta make the point , you know , did you find that er well not did you , that 's bad phraseology , I 'm sure you found this beneficial which of the areas of the five tonight actually interest you the most do that bit and then go in with the fact that you actually mentioned earlier on that you do work on a recommendation basis .
21 Yes , I saw that bit and it was n't good
22 This assumption shaped Edward 's policy of establishing regional hegemonies and it was vindicated by Gloucester 's control of a notoriously difficult region .
23 This assumption shaped Edward 's policy of establishing regional hegemonies and it was vindicated by Gloucester 's control of a notoriously difficult region .
24 Coalitions are not alien to British political experience but it is as well to consider the implications of this form of government .
25 In a similar way , ‘ mat ’ might be a neutral word for you — unless , perhaps , you are a member of the Islamic faith when it may be associated with your religious observances , or ( at a lower level ) you may have just lost a great deal of money in an investment in floor coverings !
26 He said it would be politicise police forces and he said that this vote would be a momentous decision because it w th the Bill will do grievous damage to policing in this country and we must remove the repugnant decisions from the Bill , but I alw I did think actually that was fairly extravagant language .
27 The US State Department 's response was that it needed to see the blueprints on European defence before it could think of pouring concrete .
28 For an essential paradox of the bourgeois family was that it was both the privileged location of emotionality and love , the only source in respectable ideology where it could be tolerated , and simultaneously an effective policeman of sexual behaviour .
29 Similarly you may have combined with your application for judgment one for an interim award and it would be absurd that the benefit of that award should be lost in providing the costs of the action thus far .
30 The database concept is ideally suited to professional activities since it relies on an assumption that an ‘ architecture ’ of information storage and retrieval will follow predetermined ( albeit flexible ) routes .
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