Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 An indirect role where the teacher creates the conditions which will allow the children to initiate collaborative activities themselves in response to interests , purposes and needs arising from their activities .
2 It risks , however , giving the impression that what matters is not the quality of life as we each experience it in our individual consciousness , but simply what takes place in some objective world — which seems a betrayal of the whole point of utilitarianism .
3 But we each experience it in our own way .
4 To achieve this they pursued tight monetary policies which in many cases involved setting targets for the growth in money supply .
5 There 's a host of factors of that kind which in fact kept the er conflicts to a minimum i in terms of their extent , in terms of the , the damage they did .
6 The lump sum is invested to buy an increasing or unit-linked annuity which in turn is used to pay the fees .
7 It is probable that the economic situation in the industrial countries will deteriorate further in the longer term as some of the constraints upon growth which I discussed earlier take effect ; and there will then be a much greater likelihood of conflict among the rich nations themselves in the struggle for natural resources , markets and some kind of economic growth , while the poorer developing countries will experience increasing hardship and may reach a point of economic collapse .
8 Living matter as well as so-called ‘ inert ’ matter is seen to be an expression of a formative universal field which in turn is regulated by even more subtle primary forces , Hoyle , Jeans and Raynor Johnson , as well as a host of visionaries have stated their belief that creation and the maintenance of the Universe rests upon a Universal Consciousness — a Creative Intelligence .
9 Once this has occurred , risks are known to be very high , in some cases one in four for further births .
10 Come on we 're going back to this shove it in water business again .
11 A further factor responsible for injecting money into the economy had been an increase in foreign investment which in 1989 had more than doubled .
12 In so doing it also crossed what the Swiss recognise as an ancient cultural frontier which in this part of the country runs not as a straight line but in a curve in clockwise direction , through the Brunig Pass , the centre of the highland massif known as the Napf , and the river Reuss which flows out from the Vierwaldstattersee at Luzern .
13 The visitors amused themselves with writing , painting , riding , picnics , at social soirées and visiting the various social clubs , such as the English Club which in 1850 had over 2,000 books as well as the daily and weekly British newspapers .
14 I have referred , in my Introduction , to the venerable French chef who in the fifties pursued me and my Sunday Times cookery articles with a zeal worthy of a Spanish inquisitor .
15 Darren 's face expressed an immediate and lively scepticism which in other circumstances , Massingham would have found amusing .
16 There are further areas which in time year will allow that trend to continue , I 'm aware of the fact that there will probably be in the course of the evening that suggest that greater efficiencies can be found in a variety of areas whether it be in or wherever else .
17 It is this issue which in part the SEA has addressed .
18 Calvados is n't always easy to come by in this country and such as we can get is usually one or other of the commercial brands which in spite of their high prices are pretty crude .
19 Apart from the impetus that new railways gave to British industrial strength , railway-building abroad was the means for an expansion of British capital overseas , through loans to railway companies and states , and the export of British capitalism itself in the establishment of British enterprises and railway companies abroad .
20 Scarlet admitted that if this was not precisely the case , there was yet room for considering it probable : she had often found difficulty in summoning the aid of the force , being directed by a controller to different stations which in turn would advise her to try elsewhere .
21 In British firms one in six had the nearest equivalent qualification .
22 Asked to name sources of credit out of the blue , people might well simply leave out or forget about some sources which in practice they could use , if they were offered that type of credit when they were buying .
23 And yet there are some customers who in their search for a suitable material prefer to study complex tables of technical data .
24 And yet there are some customers who in their search for a suitable material prefer to study complex tables of technical data .
25 And yet there are some customers who in their search for a suitable material prefer to study complex tables of technical data .
26 Suffice it to say at this point that because of the complex and changing world in which the public sector operates , implementation of policies may solve certain problems but is likely to throw up further problems which in turn need to be solved : hence the cyclical nature of the policy-making process .
27 I am not familiar with this procedure which in relation to a request for discovery ( provided the request is generally in order ) or the administering of interrogatories does not conform with the practice described in The Supreme Court Practice 1991 , vol. 1 , paras .
28 John was an old friend who in the early 1960s had helped me greatly with my struggles to persuade the powers-that-be of the necessity of making the carriage of flight recorders in major public transport aircraft mandatory .
29 Mr was unable to produce his documents in relation to the vehicle which he indicated was his own and he was therefore given an H R T one to produce those documents but you will appreciate from the matters that he 's pleaded pleaded guilty to this morning he in fact , failed to produce his insurance driving licence and test certificate within the required period .
30 Empiricist theories of knowledge , for example , are presented as a legitimating ideology for individualist social theories which in turn are part of a bourgeois outlook , and are said to pose questions designed to justify the individual as knower and as agent .
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