Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] i " in BNC.

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1 I mean , I let him spend all that money on me , and although I told myself it was fair , it was n't .
2 Got that money for me ?
3 I mean , fancy an 'ard-up orphanage girl like me 'aving all that money in me purse .
4 ‘ If I 've told you once I 've told you a thousand times , ’ he said , ‘ your catapults are for stoning the Brits — not for shooting sticky buds at me , right .
5 ‘ They 're right kind to me and I like it there .
6 Now it 's glossy cream and pale blue and beautiful , but I find myself looking out of the window at the broken slats of the fence between our house and the next , and understanding very well why canals and tulips and windmills and clear blue Dutch skies had been important to the woman who had stood in that kitchen before me .
7 Please could you give her the enclosed PC from me when you visit her ?
8 There had been a definite rustle behind me .
9 With a lot of misgivings , I eventually withdrew — and within weeks , as new opportunities opened up , it was clear this had been the right decision for me .
10 Fortunately for him , he was always in a lower division to me . ’
11 ‘ Do n't talk that non-talk to me !
12 But these were not normal times for me .
13 ‘ You say that you want total honesty from me , and then you throw me out when you get it !
14 I should be grateful if you could answer a few technical queries for me .
15 It 's a strange experience for me … ’
16 But she had insisted , and although the room was warm , and the kitchen stove had already been made up for the night , I had gone — yet it was a strange experience to me , and rather a frightening one , to have been persuaded by someone near to me into doing even so small a thing I felt to be hazardous . )
17 If he had had any foresight , when the Woolf-Tumim report was published , the right hon. Gentleman would have said to himself , ’ Here is a unique and historic opportunity for me to make my reputation as one of the great Home Secretaries of the 20th century . ’
18 I seemed to live two inches behind the front of my skin , that part of me created wilfully by my lovers .
19 But so is that part of me that feels alien in this country , lonely behind my wall of defences , inarticulate in my deepest pain .
20 That part of me feels negative and trodden over , wiped out .
21 ‘ I know what you 'd like to do — and it may surprise you , Kit , if I admit that part of me may even want to myself .
22 That part of me which , when first we met , I should willingly have made over to Jean-Claude — and which he seemed to make no attempt to acquire — was , of course , no more available to him than the source of his being was to me .
23 Now I feel almost that that part of me is missing — is unexpressed , festering in the darkness . ’
24 I found that part of me disgusting .
25 Love takes its shape within that part of me
26 ‘ You are that part of me that I cut off , and I never have been and never shall be whole without you . ’
27 Did you phone that hairdressers for me ?
28 I laughed at the times people had used that sentence to me .
29 It was a complete change for me ,
30 She 's the complete opposite to me , Sir Edmund , honest as the day is long . ’
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