Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] they off " in BNC.

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1 But Britain 's most famous hockey player insists it 's wrong to write them off .
2 This puts them off as they are afraid of making fools of themselves . ’
3 Where several holes were to be tired it was possible to set them off in a desired order by lighting in appropriate sequence .
4 She looked aghast , tried to defend her view and then grew apologetic saying that newspaper offices were n't like others , the most extraordinary things turned up in the post all the time and it was reflex to laugh them off and throw them away .
5 It 's too easy to shrug them off as drippy MOR bores because popularity , ultimately , has its price .
6 The extent , however , to which that marks them off from what are typically thought of as more ‘ objective ’ features of the world in which we live depends on how far one thinks that has a character independent of any form of sentient experience .
7 The slower pace bored and irritated them so much that they longed to go back and their parents were almost glad to see them off .
8 He was quick to point out that when they went up to Oxford — as most of my pupils would he likely to do — the impact of Marx , the one reputation which most politically-conscious dons revered , was likely to sweep them off their feet .
9 Then he 'd , he used to try them on the hairs on his arm and if that cut them off that suited him you see
10 all selling them off like their payin paying you to take it away .
11 Cos I might be able to cart them off to Joanne and Emma to give them to their mum 's on Mother 's Day
12 They attacked him , but he was able to hold them off until help arrived .
13 However , it is unwise to seal them off completely with tape as a large change in atmospheric pressure may cause damage to some instruments .
14 All jockey big-heads on the Jockey Club , you know first started them off like , you know ?
15 That put them off the scent .
16 We had n't petrol or anything like that to get them off .
17 This system is efficient because the males can gang up on attacking predators and their joint efforts are enough to drive them off .
18 The Princess had spotlights , he 'd turn them around this way when it was time to get Sandy to the door and then he 'd go back on his own to switch them off .
19 At first I only wore the bins for homework and blackboard but , as the years rolled myopically by , I came to rely on them more and became too lazy to take them off .
20 At first I only wore the bins for homework and blackboard but , as the years rolled myopically by , I came to rely on them more and more , too lazy to take them off .
21 That set them off again , Harbury enthusiastically reciting the string of reasons why the police had questioned Tavett several times ; Oliver throwing in that Tavett might have known about it but Pascoe must have done it ; Zak saying it was political assassination and nothing to do with the staff of the paper ; Holly reminding him that Scotland Yard 's anti-terrorist branch had found nothing to support that ; and Rosie hushing the clamour because her telephone was ringing .
22 But the white-and-holy showed them off like prized exhibits , for they liked to make the most of their scanty history .
23 Anyway , he only collected all these things till they got sufficient to auction them off .
24 The amazing ‘ Street of Much Music ’ , with it 's abundance of colourful bars and restaurants is only 10–15 metres away , as is the beach where you can take advantage of your free beach mat and cultivate those tans ready to show them off at some of Kos town 's brilliant night-clubs , also 15 minutes away .
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