Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] we [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 But finally the Social moved us out of there because we had no hot water .
2 But we were n't thinking about having professional people in our group — we might have a few to help us out but we 'll pick our own . ’
3 This leads us on to OBSERVATION : so that quite a lot of time should be given over to looking .
4 And that might seem a rather odd way to actually spend some of your redundancy money , but perhaps this leads us on to another area influencing the demand , and that 's to do with , if you like , psychology .
5 This leads us on to a third important point about the relation of the Holy Spirit to Jesus .
6 This leads us on to acceptance sampling .
7 This leads us back to considering not the detective short story but the crime short story , the equivalent of the crime novel we have looked at , one of those stories which has in it no more than , in Stan Ellin 's words , " that streak of something wicked " .
8 And this gets us back to looking at process .
9 This calls us back to the ideas of alternate universes which we were discussing earlier .
10 This cut us off completely from our natural hinterland in north Leitrim and Donegal from which at least 40 per cent of our business came .
11 This takes us out of the realm of male-female sexual relationships into another sphere , where such bonds can be used for better communication between individuals , and to foster the link between teacher and pupil .
12 This takes us back to explanations similar to those suggested for the variation in group size early in these studies ( Crook and Gartlan 1966 ) but these do not account for the massive gregariousness of the species under optimum conditions when a more even dispersion of the population would reduce the costs of foraging .
13 This takes us back to appraisal methods .
14 This takes us back to Yablonsky 's useful distinctions .
15 In the Welsh hills , where the Severn still looks like a river and not the characterless drain it is in the middle and lower reaches , there was ice on the road , and this slowed us down considerably .
16 This brought us back rather abruptly to the present , and the house he already possessed .
17 This brings us on to comparing the trust remedies with those discussed before .
18 This brings us on to the second of Dworkin 's grounds for excluding such background policy issues from the jurisdiction of the courts , for if no one has a right to any particular form of decision-making process — whether a right to a hearing itself , a right to cross-examine witnesses or to be given reasons for a decision -this can only be because such a right can not be derived from the master principle of equal concern and respect .
19 But there is yet one further narrowing of the meaning of STYLE to consider , and this brings us on to more controversial ground , where different definitions of style involve conflicting views of the use of language in literature .
20 This brings us on to thinking about how you can integrate video into your lesson .
21 This brings us on to the question of how do organizations assess the effectiveness of their advertising ?
22 This brings us on to the conditions in which the animals are kept .
23 This brings us up short at the outset of our study .
24 But this brings us back to the initial problem , which was precisely to explain how materialism could accommodate such a ‘ feel ’ .
25 This brings us back to a central theme of Sport and the British : the extraordinary degree to which it has been promoted privately without politicians , employers , or trade unionists taking a significant part except as enthusiastic individual sportsmen .
26 This brings us back , finally , to the question of Mary 's own attitude .
27 This brings us back , at long last , to the choice between the narrow and the comprehensive principles of neutrality broached in the last section .
28 This brings us back , uncomfortably , to the problem of overabundant evidence .
29 But this brings us back to our original question : how do we identify them ?
30 This brings us back to the underlying issue in this chapter about welfare and dependency .
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