Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] it be " in BNC.

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1 It is typical of this Tory government , a government that has not had a constructive idea all the time it has been in office , but thinks that union bashing is the only answer to the country 's problems , that thinks it is the only way to unite the Tory troops .
2 17 ) Party Sevens ( these were massive cans of bitter — it Whitbread Big Head Trophy Bitter , The Pint That Thinks It 's A Quawawwart ! — that you had to open with a hammer )
3 She would have got soaked had they stayed any longer , and Ven was quite right to see it was not sensible to amble around in the pouring rain .
4 Ca n't do that seeing it 's your box .
5 That they ask you specific questions of that naming it 's a multi-choice more importantly in your written answers you will have to in , you are expected to include and correct systematic ohms for any organics that you deal with .
6 If you have n't got any issue but parents or fore brother or sister or the issue of that say it 's your nephews or nieces and you 've still got a spouse of course , she still is n't get She or he is still not going to get the whole lot .
7 But as a political shibboleth it was raised to all-powerful heights and was used as a battering-ram to silence any suggestion by anybody that one might ever spend more on anything even if the aim of spending more immediately was to spend less later .
8 When you get to the top of each leg it 's vital to remember the inside where it rubs against the chest , which can often matt .
9 I take the point that you 're suggesting that another group may have re- considered it 's position .
10 Some fear it 's their last chance to secure the future they and their forefathers worked for .
11 I had to one night the fucking er babysitter was half gassed it 's honest , we opened the fucking , she 's
12 Some declare it is caused by diet ; others are convinced it is a motility disorder or due to altered perception , a psychological disorder , a psychophysiological phenomenon , or even abnormal illness behaviour .
13 This argued it was necessary to create a ‘ new model probation officer ’ with less emphasis on social work , but with the right balance between care and control .
14 But if he came prepared to kill it was odd that he had relied on seizing the first convenient weapon ; unless , of course , he knew that the mallet would be ready to hand .
15 The manufacturers of these products recognise this suggesting it is nevertheless possible to reduce such odours to an acceptable level without neutralising them completely .
16 SCO is currently looking at ways of raising more capital — that it may go public to find it is no secret .
17 no , this leg it 's , it folds under
18 Some say it is because no boat people have been returned home against their will since December 1989 .
19 Some say it is good for the Prime Minister to mix with the crowd and others that for a Prime Minister it is less than dignified .
20 Some say it is 0.5 microgram per cubic metre .
21 Some say it is an irresponsible attitude but is n't it more irresponsible to use a vote just because the law commands it ?
22 Balsa wood can also be smoked after it has been broken into little pieces , but some say it is even less rewarding than banana skins .
23 Some say it is the form assumed by the GHOST of a girl disappointed in love , who fruitlessly searches for her sweetheart , a fisherman who was drowned .
24 Some say it is just the Asian way .
25 A difficult route to grade , and some say it is nearer E3 than E2 .
26 Some say it is they who are bringing about these times that are upon us .
27 Some say it 's by far the more challenging of the two .
28 Some say it 's heroic and romantic ; others say it 's pure science fiction .
29 Some say it was the importing of whole streets of fighting families from the fishquays , with their dockland diversions of prostitution , drug-dealing and handling .
30 He accompanied this with a rude gesture — some say it was a noise , others that he stuck out his tongue , or even that he made a sign with his forearm .
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