Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now , still clutching the slices of unyielding satin to her , Nicandra wondered how it was possible to acknowledge fitly the immediate and selfless gallantry she had seen .
2 Without this redshift/distance relation , it would be possible to estimate reliably the distance to most of the galaxies we observe .
3 On the word ‘ go ’ , everyone runs round the room trying to burst as many balloons as possible using only the newspapers .
4 Eight owned only a morning Paper ( such as the Liverpool Daily Post ) and a ninth , Outram 's , owned two in the same town ( Glasgow ) .
5 There is a complete lack of understanding , and that goes right the way through the Health Service …
6 His geographically-based nomenclature was however superseded by that devised only a few years later by Giovanni Riccioli , a Jesuit priest .
7 By 1922 only 232 households owned a plough , whilst 278 lacked even a primitive wooden plough with which to turn over their new earth , if indeed they possessed any .
8 In that work it is possible to see clearly the relation between his insistence on totality and the Romantic aesthetic of totality as the inner necessity that moulds all works of art .
9 On a clear day it is possible to see both the English and Bristol Channels ; the distant Quantocks and Mendips frame the Somerset Levels , with Glastonbury Tor rising mysteriously out of the mists .
10 Each produces only a few drops of nectar at a time .
11 That beats even the £1,784 a week paid last year for unemployed interior designer Peter Julien 's house in Hampstead , London .
12 When the index is computerised it will be practicable to increase greatly the number of names on the index .
13 That illustrates nicely the interaction of practical and psychological guidance which characterises the best of apprenticeships .
14 That illustrates graphically the fact that in 1980 we had fewer pedestrian deaths than West Germany and now we have more .
15 Cos that looks quite a nice one .
16 A business relies on a driving personality taking it forward , and the confusion about getting somebody on board who is working with you in the business and who is putting money board , is that they feel to some extent , proprietorial to that business , and you can find that that will result in those individuals who have done that tearing apart the business because they are trying to go in different directions .
17 As Pahl ( 1988 ) points out , it is not possible to accept uncritically the idea that an underclass has emerged in British society .
18 Guerrilla groups such as Carlos Marighela 's National Liberation Action in Brazil , Uruguay 's Tupamaros and the Montoneros in Argentina operated without Communist support and indeed were founded in the belief that the Moscow faithful lacked either the will or the capacity to engage in armed struggle .
19 But while it is impossible to overstress the importance of Cézanne in the emergence of Cubism , it is wrong to see even the earliest Cubist painting simply as a direct continuation of him .
20 So this summarizes then the two processes of gating , here , and inactivation , here .
21 The most fundamental is the type of magma present since this influences both the type of eruption and the nature of the erupted material .
22 This became both the cornerstone of future government policy and the unquestioned assumption of subsequent government reports , including the Barlow Report in 1940 which made the strongest and most comprehensive case for regional development .
23 By the mid-1980s , this became increasingly the accepted view of what the Thatcher years had meant for Britain as a society and a polity .
24 This became increasingly the case under the centralising regimes of Maria Theresa and Joseph II in the second half of the eighteenth century .
25 In the years between his father 's death and the outbreak of the First War , this became quite a grand establishment .
26 This conveyed almost the speaking tone of the writer , as he might glance up impishly from one of his colloquies with the carpet .
27 Parents have ( or should have ) authority over their children and this constitutes both a responsibility and a burden .
28 Unfortunately this constitutes only the assessment of a candidate 's suitability for entry to an interpreters ' qualifying course .
29 Jimmy Knapp , leader of the rail union RMT , said : ‘ This drives home the dangers of BR 's programme of de-staffing stations which is gathering pace . ’
30 It is possible that in the past any Zuwayi would have felt free to continue personally the feud with Zliten if he could allege that the peace was unsatisfactory or incomplete .
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