Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [be] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 If you can tell what you say that 's all that matters is n't it ?
2 Well aye I said to her as long as she 'll come home safe and sound it 's all that matters in n it ?
3 As long as it 's healthy that 's all that matters in n it ?
4 Any person who can not appreciate the obligation this imposes is not a competent witness .
5 Well you perhaps wo n't believe me but I sit where Geoff is and she gets right against me and there 's all this to spare is n't there granddad ?
6 This has been not so much a question of exegesis but of hermeneutics , searching for the underlying meaning and background to the understanding and belief in the demonic world ( see Carr 1981 ) .
7 The solution to this has been not to build even more houses to relieve the upward pressure on rents and prices but to impose even more stringent controls — conservation areas , village ‘ envelopes ’ and so on .
8 Precisely when this occurred is not clear , but from the sequence of events it was probably in 59 .
9 The reason why this occurred er erm , the reason why this occurred was not due to some sort of er , due to emotional problems that he suffered within these repressed relations with his son .
10 And I presume the 2 disallowed were nt in that figure ?
11 They 're funny looking are n't they , though ?
12 Why this happens is n't fully understood .
13 but I suppose the likes of me , bit old fashioned are n't we ?
14 There are a few people willing to help are n't .
15 Returning to the office empty handed is not considered particularly satisfactory !
16 I do n't know , you 're sort of half dozing are n't you ?
17 It 's a bit easier to read is n't it ?
18 dial one is is actually easier to read is n't it ?
19 What this meant was n't certain , but it sounded good at the time .
20 Precisely what this means is not clear because presumably even in a socialist state it would have a necessary function in maintaining law and order .
21 Too old to change are n't we ?
22 Standing in the dawnlit hall of Calatin 's house , Taliesin knew that for Fergus this had been not just a venture , a battle for the Fiana , but something much deeper .
23 Quite what this does is n't covered by the manual !
24 Although the amounts could cause the deaths of up to 500,000 people , the conditions for this to occur were not present .
25 The keys of old harpsichords are indeed often seen to be hollowed ; however , what this suggests is not that Handel had been assiduously practising on it for many years , but rather that ( being at least loo years old when Hawkins saw it ) it had never had the keys replated. 19th-century scholars were intrigued by this tale , and more than a century after Handel 's death embarked on the quest to rediscover the instrument .
26 That 's average looking is n't it ?
27 The use of symbolic addressing is not fully exploited to cope with pre-existing forms of citation and for automated authoring of large quantities of text .
28 Well it 's easy to change is n't it ?
29 The message from all three units is similar — hospital mortality from the first variceal bleed is not significantly greater in the elderly than in patients under 65 years .
30 We might also usefully recall that to cross is not only to traverse , but to mix ( as in to crossbreed ) and to contradict ( as in to cross someone ) ; also that cross-dressing potentially involves both inversion and displacement of gender binaries .
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