Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They are due to go before the Mersey Ferries board in two weeks .
2 I fear that the Secretary of State was not right to claim that the Bill is universally welcomed .
3 He was surely right to caution that the declaration of a right by a court is perhaps best viewed as the beginning of a political process in which power relationships loom large and immediate .
4 It is not possible to arrange that the second derivatives as well as the first derivatives of the coefficients all simultaneously vanish , because there are insufficient free variables .
5 For instance , it is possible to contend that the nouveau roman may be more accurately described as modernist or late modernist when compared with the apparently more subversive avant-garde experimentalism of the Tel Quel group , whose claim to be the natural successors of the revolution inaugurated by Finnegans Wake would be difficult to refute .
6 In La Route des Flandres , the fluctuations between first and third person mean that it is not possible to contend that the novel 's discourse is organized entirely around the consciousness of the central character Georges , who otherwise seems to be re-creating his experiences in the course of a night in bed with the widow of his commanding officer , some time after the wartime conflict .
7 But when a goods engine makes its appearance from the outer darkness , it is possible to realize that the shunters ' apparent madness is nothing but the acme of method .
8 A Soviet official leading an AAPSO mission to Kuala Lumpur in the spring of 1971 affirmed that the USSR welcomed all policies of neutrality and non-alignment if they were ‘ directed towards all countries ’ .
9 External frames are all but defunct in the UK because most have accepted that the ergonomically contoured internal frame sack is much more stable to carry than an external frame pack , even at the expense of some loss of ventilation to the back .
10 Even so , it 's very pleasant to see that a goodly swathe of video cards is supported directly .
11 Though the inhibition of absorption induced by the α-glucosidase inhibitors is the primary phenomenon , under the present experimental conditions , it is not possible to estimate whether the acceleration in the intestinal transit time contributes to carbohydrate malabsorption by reducing the contact time between the intestinal contents and small intestinal mucosa .
12 Does each think that the real money is on the other side ?
13 No more is it possible to claim that the strict code of social morality and convention which helped to sustain the political system was held in place from outside against the will of most Japanese people .
14 It is possible to argue that the single occurrence of they in the data with a singular verb is accidental ( a ‘ performance error ’ ) but equally possible to claim that the non-occurrence of you , we and these with a singular verb is the consequence of an accidental gap in the corpus ; the line of reasoning characteristic of generative grammar is of little help to us here in choosing between these alternatives .
15 ‘ It would be dishonest to pretend that the NSPCC is making any significant impact on the problem — even they would not claim it . ’
16 I believe that we are right to wait until the independent report has been received , but I assure my right hon. Friend and the House that all EC partners who have worked well together on this are carefully considering future relations in the light of what appears to have happened , as shown on the video which so many of us have seen and which the families of the people involved have had to witness in their suffering .
17 Just as Robert Morris in 1736 recommended that the classical orders of architecture should be matched to the situation of a house ( Doric for open country , Ionic for the ‘ cheerful vale ’ , etc. ) , so Pocock matches the Gothic style to the wildness of woods , water , and hills .
18 That guarantees that the consumer feels safe with our food supply and that is in the best interests of all our chicken producers .
19 Editor , — David Griffith is quite right to emphasise that the new Community Care Act potentially will have negative as well as positive effects on the development of support for carers .
20 The hon. Gentleman is right to emphasise that the Severn tunnel has served the travelling public extremely well for many years .
21 In the matter of the loveless childhood it is possible to see that the measure of the deprivation bears a direct relationship to the measure of uncivilised behaviour that can derive from it .
22 In 1850 neither St Petersburg nor Constantinople nor the western powers realized that war was on the horizon , but with hindsight it is possible to see that the battle-lines were drawn .
23 Any parishioner who would like to be present should phone Valerie Belton as soon as possible to see if a coach ( or two ) should be booked .
24 Thus in the notation FcdEdm , it is possible to observe that the notation Fcd comes from one facet and Edm from a second .
25 Following this , a single probe letter was presented to one or other visual half-field and the subject 's task was to respond , using the left hand , as fast as possible to indicate whether the visually presented letter was or was not a member of the auditorily presented memory set .
26 Currently it is usual to find that a contract cleaning company may be used to look after the offices and toilets , but production areas are generally ‘ out of bounds ’ , because they are considered too sensitive .
27 A few days later , when Churchill invited Attlee to accompany him to the Potsdam conference — which was due to meet before the election result would be known — Harold Laski , as chairman of the National Executive , warned Attlee publicly that he should go ‘ in the role of observer only ’ , because Labour would expect to have a distinctive foreign policy thereafter .
28 The Russo-Japanese War of 1904–05 occurred because the partially concealed rivalry of a decade before was now overt .
29 William Lukin set course to the south , arriving in the search area at 0330 to find that the Nimrod had successfully located the casualty and that the Army Air Corps helicopter was attempting to winch the survivors off .
30 It may be possible to establish that no contract was actually made on the telephone .
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