Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In fact Waugh had just written to him as a stranger to thank him for his ‘ ingenious and delightful allegory ’ — his gratitude all the warmer because , as he flatteringly remarks , he had tried to buy a copy and found it sold out .
2 Can not they too be committed to the view that philosophy must deal with matters of fact , and that to claim something as a matter of fact one must be able to state what observations would in principle establish its truth or falsity ?
3 All received reduced winter wages with eleven given nothing at all .
4 That made something inside her snap .
5 She lived at New Houses , and was related to me in a mixed up kind of way — her father and my grandmother were cousins , but what that made me to Miss Bayles I can not imagine !
6 That made her to me , a mere new boy , a prefect .
7 Does that answer it for you or not ?
8 His obsession with the social history of the Twenties and Thirties led him to Wilsford Manor , Tennant 's home , in 1986 , where he wooed the eremitic inhabitant with chocolates and orchids .
9 does that compare them with the customers ?
10 I can see the town airport from where I am , indeed I can touch its tarmac with a digit thrust through the chain-link fence — all that separates it from the Lofleiđ3ir — but to get from here to there is not so easy , and involves taking a bus into town and back out again or taking a taxi .
11 Having briefly described ten tests of language , it is now possible to compare them on a range of criteria .
12 The assembler does not directly offer these facilities , but it is possible to implement them by using other features of BBCBASIC(Z80) .
13 It 's a sort of That 's right push it through the hole and catch it at the other side .
14 To it we owe that nervous , spidery line of the drawings — so quick , so attentive , yet so despairing — that alerts us to the elusiveness of the subject at the same time that it perseveres in the attempt to render it .
15 While there is no doubt that fascist organisations like the National Front have attempted to recruit members from the ranks of football hooligans , there is little to connect them with violence in the game ( Popplewell , 1986:59 ) .
16 Although it is clearly not possible to restore it as a conduit care , the same external effect will be provided by the use of re-chargeable batteries with a replica truck and control gear .
17 But that pleasure was tinged with sadness because his mother , Joanna , is n't alive to see him in a role he might have been born to play .
18 If the purpose of the march was to force the French to battle it failed ; Charles 's council debated whether to go on the offensive against Gaunt 's army , but in the event their belief in the military superiority of the English was still sufficiently strong to inhibit them from offering an open challenge , and they agreed to pursue the usual defensive tactics .
19 In the ignominious collapse of the grand scheme the two separated , each to accommodate itself to the developing capitalist system , each to find its own way forward within the system and as part of it .
20 It was obviously advantageous to record those events and the aftermath as quickly as possible to preserve them for the benefit of those who came after us .
21 But that led him to be grilled by detectives for two hours because he unwittingly bought a cabinet stolen from an old lady in North Oxford a few days before .
22 That led them to a Kamalian whose secretions matched the saliva found at the scene of the crime . ’
23 7 It 's terrific to see her without the bars between us. 8 She sits eating the treat food at the opening to the door and looking at me. 9 How does she know to look into my eyes and not at the huge finger next to her .
24 The outer leaves are very important for the effect of the painting , especially against the sky , whereas it is possible to lose myself in the inner masses to some extent .
25 Sorry to burden you with another Europroblem , but with the growth in cross-border activity , we are getting more and more bright-eyed young journalists that know a foreign language and report back from continental press conferences the English equivalent of exactly what was said in the local language — except that it does n't actually mean anything in English : an august journal — no names to spare any blushes — reports that the boss of IBM Deutschland GmbH said with regard to the company 's figures ‘ we made a decision to place a burden on our financial balance in order to ensure a healthier future ’ …
26 ‘ Well I 'm sorry to burden you with it , I thought you might know more than …
27 They were so far away from me , and there was nothing that they could do to alleviate the hardship of Legion life , so it appeared unnecessary to burden them with minor worries about bullying and violence .
28 Many people make do with a cup of coffee which , although it may taste good , does little to support you until lunchtime .
29 That got me to thirty-and-five .
30 ’ Becke 's revision reads : ‘ He dwelleth wyth his wyfe accordinge to knowledge , that taketh her as a necessarye healper , and not as a bonde servaunte or a bonde slave .
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