Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [prep] each " in BNC.

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1 To do this , we need to extend the list of treatments to give C , N , P , K , NP , NK , PK , NPK all eight appearing in each block ( assuming there is no confounding ) .
2 Commitment , there was no doubt that they were willing to sacrifice for each other
3 In general the circuits of figures 10.11(a) and ( b ) behave as low and high-pass filters respectively , the responses being given by equation ( 10.40 ) with the appropriate values of Z 1 and Z 2 inserted in each case .
4 Over the past few decades researchers have shown that chimps can create artworks ( abstract thought ) , use tools in a quite sophisticated fashion , and understand the concept of language : humans and chimps can use sign languages like Ameslan to communicate with each other to a reasonably advanced level .
5 This corresponds to each subject giving a mean of 19.1 descriptive comments or 7.8 comments relating to potential risks for each full film .
6 They realize that they have problems and but they seem so willing to stand by each other and the the spirit which I 've noticed is very h
7 Yet another principle is that we are to be ‘ subject to one another out of reverence to Christ ’ ( Eph. 5.21 ) and this applies to each of us — men as well as women — whatever our particular calling in the Church may be .
8 Our eleven most varied songs , too , with a different feel to each song . ’
9 One lamp holder was then fixed in each compartment and the end of the lighting cable plugged into the shop mains , a socket for this provided at each stage .
10 Above all , the elections have provided a shot in the arm for the Christian right , proving , first , that blacks and Hispanics are more likely to listen to Baptist ministers and Pentecostalist preachers than the likes of Mayor Dinkins and Joseph Fernandez , and , second , that when it comes to gay sex , fundamentalists and Catholics are more than willing to co-operate with each other .
11 This resulted in each solution being subjected to a series of powerful sharp shocks — a process which he termed succussion .
12 Details of individual associations between actual and optimal decisions are given in Table 3 ; this presents for each subject and for each repetition the proportion of the variance of actual output ( or actual sales proportion ) explained by optimal output ( or actual sales proportion ) .
13 Quality improvement is a living thing , we must be prepared to learn from each other .
14 Brian and Andy lounged against the edge of the dining-table at the back of the group , half watching the television , half talking to each other .
15 There they were to leave commissioners , forty picked by each brother , to work out a detailed division of the heartlands .
16 Dose equivalence was estimated from the salbutamol dose which caused the same effect as that seen with each dose of salmeterol .
17 Concurrents Concurrents is the term given to a number in the series 1 to 7 assigned to each year , and has close correspondence with the dominical letter .
18 There is much to discover at each of our stations .
19 Maybe they do n't find it hard to , they do n't find it very easy to talk to each other about difficult things ; maybe they ca n't say the sort of things ‘ I love you but , I wish you did n't , such and such ’ .
20 Soon afterwards , though , she writes : ‘ I do n't want to suggest that Difficulties with girls and The Waste Land really have much to do with each other . ’
21 Maturity , at least for me , seems to lie in the discovery that happiness and circumstances do n't have all that much to do with each other ; that happiness is more a matter of choice and habit than we suppose , and less dependent upon the accident of circumstances .
22 There 's a history of drink , you know — he lives alone since he lost his wife , there 's a daughter , but she 's married and they do n't have much to do with each other .
23 That means you know from the outset how much to put by each month .
24 Cos they 're easy to get to each of them , are n't they , apparently ?
25 Unlike the previous financing system the school does not receive an allocation for each of these items but is allocated a lump sum and has the choice of how much to spend on each category .
26 ‘ If anything goes wrong , sir , I do n't think we 'll be having too much to say to each other when we 're in vaporized orbit . ’
27 Black Michael looked blacker than ever today — because you and the Princess had so much to say to each other . ’
28 In their dinner jackets , glasses of brandy in their hands , they appeared not unlike an uncle and his nephew in their London club — not much to say to each other , but quite content .
29 Mis-recognitions and errors of spelling are impossible to distinguish from each other , given the nature of the data output from the pattern recogniser , however they should be detected and corrected if possible .
30 The fact that we give each other little clues , invitations and propositions , gives a transparency to our motives , but it also builds excitement and suspense about the actual unveiling of each coming together .
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