Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] during the " in BNC.

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1 Innovative policies during the campaign raise doubts over existing policies , and raise questions over why reforms were n't introduced earlier .
2 The French press noted that the Mauritanian government 's pro-Iraqi alignment during the Gulf war had lost it the financial support of certain Gulf states , leaving it more dependent on French aid .
3 Our Life operations have made outstanding progress during the year and Life premium increases in the UK are encouraging , particularly when compared with the rest of the market .
4 In other political states during the twentieth century , there has been strong support for the view that art should serve a social purpose .
5 A Constitution Drafting Committee , which had been established soon after the formation of the LPDR in late 1975 [ see pp. 27541-43 ] , had made little progress during the LPDR 's first decade .
6 Neighbouring countries also began airlifting food and medical supplies to the Trinidadian capital of Port of Spain which had suffered extensive damage during the coup attempt .
7 The greatest progress during the 1930s was made in investigations , sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation in West Africa and in South America , of the tropical disease called yellow fever .
8 Very small farms in the east of England also suffered from low income during the same period .
9 But just as adolescence brings about major changes in your body , most women experience some physical and emotional change during the menopause .
10 But just as adolescence brings about major changes in your body , most women experience some physical and emotional change during the menopause .
11 But these are women who have not very much experience of a particular current within British feminism which sees men very much as the enemy , though they went through a tremendous process of political change during the strike and with the development of their organisation , many marriages , for example , split up and the women gained a whole new identity of themselves as individual women .
12 One aspect of this broader context was the perception that British society had undergone momentous change during the 1960s and 1970s and that , as a result , the ‘ fourth channel ’ ought to be able to reflect , and comment , upon those changes .
13 The coincidence of rising inflation and unemployment , in spite of Keynesian-type policies to maintain aggregate demand , cast doubt on the continued effectiveness of conventional economic policies during the 1970s .
14 The natural gas deposits , derived from coalification gases of the Upper Carboniferous , accumulated in relatively recent geological times during the late Mesozoic and/or the Cainozoic , — either as a result of additional subsidence and , consequent additional heating of the Upper Carboniferous source rocks , or of telemagmatic heating effects .
15 Encouraged by the long minority of the new Stadtholder it helped to influence Dutch policy in a pro-French and anti-British direction during the Seven Years War ( the Orange family , now closely associated by marriage with that of Hanover , was generally pro-British in outlook ) .
16 We begin therefore with an outline of the political background and an indication of the nature of urban and regional change during the period .
17 On March 15 the Interior Ministry announced that it was to drop the charges pending against about 6,000 people for illegal political activities during the regime of Gen. Hossain Mohammad Ershad .
18 Foreign investment in India remained at a low level during the 1980s when compared with similar international investment elsewhere in south and south-east Asia , despite the introduction of liberalization measures in 1985-86 which had boosted industrial investment and output .
19 ‘ The violence against street children is now far more barbarous than anything inflicted on political prisoners during the worst phase of the military dictatorship , ’ said Benedicto Rodrigues dos Santos , of the National Street Children 's Movement , a welfare organisation that has documented the violent deaths of 1,397 street children since 1984 .
20 These factors include natural processes such as progressive leaching from the soil of base cations ; removal of forest and replacement by agricultural activities during the Iron Age ; regrowth of forest following abandonment of agricultural practices many centuries later ; and acid deposition , beginning in the nineteenth century .
21 A TERRIFIED pensioner who has been burgled eight times during the last year said she had become a prisoner in her own home .
22 In other words these Guatemalan children show , as do Dennis 's institutionalized infants , that retardation during the first year or two of life is reversible , and that early experiences , however drastic at the time , do not necessarily set up patterns of behaviour that can not subsequently be modified .
23 Despite Gregory 's account , the Merovingians can be seen as a dynasty which cultivated a complex political ideology during the sixth century .
24 ‘ On the side of the bloody Germans during the war , were n't they ?
25 To make the point , consider the striking contrast during the period 1973–85 ‘ between the serious economic setbacks suffered by the newly oil-rich Mexico and the notable strides made by the oil-poor and oil-hungry Brazil ’ ( Hirschman , 1986 ) .
26 For some time a rumour had persisted that Horemheb , in his moves to clear up the corruption which had flourished like rampant weed during the years in which the city had fallen into neglect , had more than once attempted to close it ; but that the interests which protected it were still too powerful for him to dispense with .
27 The introduction of tobacco from America by Portuguese or Spanish merchants during the later Ming period led to the production of snuff bottles made in a variety of materials .
29 Livingstone had formed his political views during the ‘ new left ’ upheavals of the late 1960s .
30 ‘ We were conscious of the need to build in safeguards against possible earthquakes during the development of the Hides field and the construction of the gas plant , ’ say Grainge .
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