Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] we just " in BNC.

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1 Bad days are beans on toast , biscuits , or " some days we just do n't eat " .
2 We when I when it 's our German period we just have music .
3 There 's a fair selection in the Windows range , including some packages we just have n't had time to look at .
4 Erm I just want to go back and talk about a few things we just touched on earlier .
5 On this page we just talk about Dinghy Sailing , but this is a very flexible centre , where it 's easy to mix in some windsurfing — see page 27 .
6 ‘ It 's a planned diet with some pre-packed meals we just have to heat up .
7 ‘ Yes , there 's a boy on this tour we just finished , plays every note I ever played — even the bad ones !
8 If some project comes up during the course of the year , I would have thought that it might be appropriate to erm er cobble the name of centenary onto it , but I do n't really think that this year we just commit ourselves to something just because there 's a hundred years of parish government coming up .
9 Erm so , in principle we 've agreed that schedule , er I 'm waiting for erm Bob to sort V I out and the name erm as you may be aware erm Bob wants to call it client servicing and our view was that by and large it was n't a question of having to have loads more different screens we just needed them in different areas and they could , they 'd go to Louise to get where people were going to be and it 's mostly about the R S six thousand for commission erm on which there are only about twenty of those anyway , twenty seven so I did n't really see that as being a major issue .
10 ‘ Some people think the Christmas holiday is the 10 days we just had off from school , but I think it 's more than that .
11 But as I say , in the Sugar House so we I mean , we 've ju we , all we did was , was we the mass the big central area we just literally sort of lino type floor and carpeted round the edges
12 And recently in April , when two young girls from one of the refugee camps in San Salvador were captured , we put their names across on the programme every day until they were eventually transferred from a secret prison to the Women 's prison , We regard it as a triumph to have got them into a public prison , although they are minors , and now we are demanding their release , of course we exhaust all the legal channels as well but these days we just think of it as a formality , There have been occasions when we have presented a Habeas Corpus petition to the Supreme Court of Justice and the official concerned has simply torn the paper up in front of us and told us to get out .
13 ‘ John 's method of working would be : ‘ Okay , this is in C , ’ and unless it had abnormal changes we just went for it .
14 Now , when Joe and I see each other we just get together and play a bunch of Hendrix songs .
15 Suffice it to say that after two centuries of higher and lower criticism we just can not approach the Bible in the way that former Christians did .
16 Why he allows those things we just do not know .
17 The first day we just hated it , but when we got used to it , it was nowt like a prison .
18 After a delightful supper we just tottered across the forecourt of the Savoy Grill into the Savoy Theatre — very intimate — and we saw a nice show .
19 So we have a if we ever want any ironwork we just have to go and say , oh well we 'll have one of those please .
20 ‘ They 're in that hotel we just passed . ’
21 upstairs and warm the bloody brandy we just , you know that brandy gives off fumes when it 's been heated up ?
22 ‘ For the first two days we just go to bed .
23 excluded the double running of er redundancy costs and the other items we just mentioned .
24 And that lovely shop we just passed — Queen 's Old Castle — is just a shop .
25 It was blow-out , on the driver 's side , and erm , well we just lost it , the wheel was snatched out of his hand when the tyre went and the next thing we just slammed into the barrier and then got catapulted into a concrete wall ,
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