Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In Eastern Europe , meanwhile , new nation states are being formed out of the debris of the old system and nationalist feeling is exceptionally strong , and it is an open question whether some of these states will in due course be incorporated in an enlarged EC or perhaps in some still wider , but as yet only vaguely conceived , ‘ European homeland ’ ( to use Gorbachev 's expression ) .
2 ‘ A file will in due course be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions , ’ said a spokeswoman .
3 Nor , in an atmosphere of reluctance , can the initiator be confident that a participator 's initial dependence on other people 's ideas and energy will in due course be turned into well-informed independence .
4 Other restrictions are less justifiable : the routine exclusion of the media from " in chambers " hearings relating to property in divorce cases , to bail applications in Crown Courts , and to applications for injunctions and eviction orders in the Queen 's Bench Division of the High Court are breaches of the " open justice " principle which may in due course be struck down by the European Court of Human Rights .
5 It may be that the ban will in due course be struck down , or at least restricted in its scope by the European Court : a total prohibition on television and radio appearances by representatives of a lawful political organisation , for example where they are elected local councillors speaking about domestic issues , can hardly be justified on the grounds of national security or the prevention of public disorder .
6 The composition and terms of reference of urban development corporations will be changed immediately and they will in due course be wound up in an orderly way .
7 The genetically modified saplings will in due course be infected with the virus to test their resistance .
8 There are many such questions which all those in contact with children can pose and which the psychologist can in due course be expected to answer .
9 The building industry , given an open field , competing for purchasers and paying a competitive price for its materials , will automatically be stimulated to invest in developing these modern methods , knowing that the reward of successful enterprise will in due course be reaped .
10 Once molecules have learnt to compete and to create other molecules in their own image , elephants , and things resembling elephants , will in due course be found roaming through the countryside .
11 While some would be used as breeding earths , others would in due course be used as hideaways as vixens brought their young from areas where they had been disturbed .
12 There was then little belief in the value of the Coalition Liberals , but a strong belief in the value of Lloyd George ; he would be a good advocate with the new electorate and he would in due course be disarmed as Chamberlain had been .
13 How will that money be found ?
14 The 1966 ALPAC committee report on machine translation systems concluded that human translation was superior in terms of speed , accuracy and cost , and recommended that funding be curtailed .
15 ‘ But should all of those people who had no part in that decision be made to wait ? , ’ he added .
16 In what ways can planned and democratic economic forms be presented as a feasible and superior development/transformation of existing forms ?
17 Will consolidated accounts be prepared , or will some form of combined accounts be required ?
18 So far as prosecution is concerned , the most likely outcome , should a guilty decision be reached ( most parents plead guilty ) , is a fine .
19 Indeed , he opposed rigid grounding in English grammar and urged that Latin be taught by the direct method , as it would have been had it been a living language .
20 Meanwhile the major problem is to what extent can suitable , safe and cost-effective technologies be developed to produce energy from these sources .
21 MEASURABILITY — can the main features of each segment be measured and expressed in useful terms ?
22 At the meeting , the Committee advised that permission be granted subject to certain conditions .
23 In this respect , we believe it is vital that comprehensive and enforceable planning conditions are legally attached to planning permission , should you be so minded to recommend that permission be given in your report to the Minister of State for Wales .
24 ‘ … private houses be located in community groups or in established settlements … ’
25 So , only if the trade union representatives were not , whether actually or in effect , appointed by the union or , if appointed by it were neither accountable to it nor liable to be dismissed by it would that difficulty be avoided , at least in principle .
26 Suggested cures were legion , and one correspondent wrote to the newspaper concerning the closure of the graveyards at Spa Fields , St Botolph Bishopsgate and St Thomas , Golden Lane , suggesting that the ground in each case be covered in quicklime .
27 Let confrontation be passionate , but civilised ; let controversial opinions be expressed with clarity , if necessary with forcefulness , but with an open mind and willingness to understand the viewpoints of others .
28 This allowed an individual citizen to request that case be referred to the Constitutional Council if he or she felt that fundamental rights were being undermined .
29 But how could the advantages of the klystron with its enclosed resonators be combined with the more favourable geometry of the magnetron ?
30 Yet international pressure to change will continue , beginning with the growing insistence of the EC that elections to the European Parliament be carried out under proportional representation .
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