Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 This interdepartmental Committee on the Medical Inspection and Feeding of Children Attending Public Elementary Schools was appointed in March 1905 and was , in the words of the minister responsible , Lord Londonderry , ( President of the Board of Education ) not to be ‘ at liberty to make far-reaching proposals that the Unionist party would decline to support ’ .
2 For example , it has been held that an arrangement void for contravention of the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1956 constitutes unlawful means but this is hard to reconcile with the clear decision in the Mogul case that an agreement in restraint of trade at common law did not .
3 In the event that no single party enjoys an overall majority in the Commons then the issue of sending for the Prime Minister and refusing a dissolution become matters so charged with political manoeuvring that the Crown would be drawn into politics in a public way that would be bound to invite a keener scrutiny as to what should be her proper role within the British constitution .
4 Thus , the NSC had before it the State Department 's political assessment that the area was , to repeat , ‘ the target of a co-ordinated offensive plainly directed by the Kremlin' .
5 In Western cooking such a mixture can add zing to almost anything from scrambled eggs to vegetables , soups , stews and sauces and poached or baked fruits , with the grateful advantage that the result will not taste as though you have succumbed to panic and thrown in a spoonful of curry powder .
6 All this reflected a recognition at the highest political level that the country 's foreign relations must include , at least for the time being and probably permanently , an unprecedented effort to shape and direct opinion abroad .
7 The far right objects that the tests encourage children to criticise traditional values .
8 The latter mode , as you saw in relation to the Earth ( section 2.1.16 ) , has the possible difficulty that the substances which would ultimately form the mantle may lose oxygen to iron , but until the present oxygen abundance of Mercury 's mantle is known it will not be known whether this possible difficulty applies .
9 In contrast , the average tax rate is the percentage of total income that the government takes in income tax .
10 He was wearing a polonecked sweater of such advanced dilapidation that the hem hung in long woollen fronds almost to his knees , and as he tremblingly attempted to light his pipe he looked very vulnerable .
11 It is against that decision that the father now appeals .
12 so you say it must be implicit in that decision that the , the commission was satisfied that the objective criteria er would separate the sheep from the goats , erm so that no one who would , would be excluded who was capable of competing
13 Now the Supreme Court declared that decision that the constitution gives the power to regulate interstate commerce to the national government , I E it was n't a matter for New York , it was n't a question of whether New York or New Jersey should control it , it was a matter for the federal government not for either of the states .
14 A general election last Thursday would have settled once and for all the political policies that the country will follow for the next few years .
15 Euphoria over the government 's commitment to Emancipation had created a short-lived hope that the Tsar might carry through a major redistribution of wealth ‘ from above ’ .
16 Apart from the inherent improbability that the Lockerbie investigators never thought to ask for it , that it was left to a clerk to print out a copy on her own initiative before the computer wiped the record , only to return weeks later from holiday to find that still no one had asked for it , and that the BKA , after being given the list , sat on it for months before passing it along to the Scottish police , there remained the problem of the FBI teletype which left open the possibility that no such bag from Malta was ever loaded on Flight 103 .
17 It is not just at the regional level that the geography of British manufacturing industry has been changing .
18 Specialisation can also result in blockage , with so many clients in a narrow field that the scope for search is limited ; this problem can be solved by specialising only in large sectors , and also widening the range of services on offer , such as management consultancy products , including manpower planning advice , executive assessment and salary surveys .
19 It is that fragmentation that the Forum has to strive to avoid .
20 A Treasury official concluded on 27 September 1948 , Britain and the Commonwealth would have to make so many sacrifices to European states that a " third force " would damage , not promote the nation 's interests .
21 There was an implied term in that contract that the valuers were qualified to act and understood the subject , and the valuers were in breach .
22 A scintilla of Bahamian pride was preserved by the presence of a native officer on every American boat or helicopter , but no one really believed the polite fiction that the local officer was thus in command .
23 More than that , the abandonment of syllabic metre means losing the principal stylistic character , the distinctive " key " of the Odes , for it is in metrical subtlety that Horace finds , and recommends to his reader , what Yeats has called " the fascination of what 's difficult " ; and it is out of that difficulty that the delicate , devious style of these lyrics uniquely flowers .
24 There are a number of alterative strategies that the systems planning team may decide to adopt .
25 He wanted to spend some time quietly in the church , ’ he added in a vain hope that a confidence so dangerously close to intimacy , to his job as priest , might flatter her , might even silence curiosity .
26 He always said that in the vain hope that the girl would respond to him differently from all the others who had so casually used her body .
27 And , having held off longer in the vain hope that the negative economic signals would prove false , IBM 's European and Japanese customers will be obligated to make more drastic cutbacks in mainframe expenditures than will their American counterparts .
28 I had finally resolved to stage a roof coup , to climb on to one of the forbidden roofs iii the probably vain hope that the prospect of being left behind might change Melinda 's views , when suddenly a metal door opened and arms reached down to pull us up .
29 Oil field tubulars [ which include drillpipe , tubing and casing ] represent one of the single largest investments that an oil company makes in the course of a drilling programme .
30 This strange logic leaves little room for the subjective assessment that the ASB says will be necessary to determine whether derecognition is appropriate .
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