Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] at large " in BNC.

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1 With indirect taxes more favoured the burden fell on the consuming population at large , but from the point of view of the government , if such conversions did not shrink the national debt , they at least made it more controllable .
2 Some attention was paid in Chapter I to the incidence of sexual problems among the British population at large .
3 Their views reflect a lack of enthusiasm among the British people at large for John Major 's idea of European unity .
4 Yet even by the standards of the day , it seems extraordinary that Joyce should have thought the British people at large would respond sympathetically to his shrill and truculent celebration of the fate of Jews in the first year of Hitler 's dictatorship .
5 In the social sciences at large the word has often been used very loosely for any approach which applies scientific method to human affairs , conceived of as part of the natural order .
6 In a strange way , this is a truth believed in by both the left and right criminology , as well as in British society at large .
7 This chapter will begin , therefore , by examining the different dimensions of Jacobitism , and then proceed to a consideration of how extensive Jacobite sentiment was in British society at large .
8 Lewis 's self-image , though less carefully cultivated , has lasted longer in the English-speaking world at large , and even swollen since his death , which was in 1963 , into something of a cult .
9 Lloyd recommends that the British public at large should pop along to Junior Wimbledon and get their first look at a player he believes can finally end the seemingly interminable search for Britain 's first major male champion since the sepia days of Fred Perry .
10 Take us and Europe now , is n't it odd that , after two world wars , in which our men who died , our nations sacrificed themselves in fighting what was thought to be the great German danger , we now find ourselves at least as much hostile to our allies in both of those wars — the French — as we do to the Germans , and if one could measure this sort of thing it might well be that in the British public at large you would find more sympathy towards the Germans than the French .
11 While the number of individuals involved directly in assisted reproduction is small , ways of thinking about parenting and kinship are part of public culture at large .
12 In the case of single or dominant firm monopolies while it is accepted that these may behave detrimentally to the public interest at large , few democratic governments have had , or are likely to have , the political will to intervene directly in their operation , particularly where their market positions have been legitimately attained , and their activities are not overtly illegal .
13 Vicious Killer at Large in Quiet Market Town ’ — this 'll be on the front page of the tabloids ! ’
14 The laws of citizenship provide a complete portfolio of legal entitlements which frequently elevate the members of a particular nation into a favoured species and the envy of a less fortunate world at large .
15 Minimal and Conceptual art at large
16 A similar point can be made with respect to voters who , despite what some economists might like to think , will have views beyond the fate of major economic indicators and will be concerned about the conduct of foreign and domestic policy at large .
17 In his subsequent 17 hours at large he had seized , with a 100-strong force , the central police headquarters .
18 Only a Roman aristocrat — perhaps himself a pontiff — such as Fabius Pictor could break this tradition and make the native version of Roman history available to the educated world at large , as the natives of other countries were doing .
19 In spite of the Jockey Club 's apparent determination to play down the doping cases and its hushing up the Flash of Straw investigations until now , it does seem that there is a sinister element at large in British horse racing .
20 Older people in the study had to enter the labour market at precisely the time of the steepest fall in the economic activity rates of older workers at large .
21 A further trend in curricular organisation at large , and one which has made the ESSE/L Project particularly timely , is the emphasis given to approaches involving the whole school and across-the-curriculum approaches .
22 With CDM , the textures produce more clumpiness at large scales than inflation 's density fluctuations can provide — which puts them in line with the observations .
23 In August 1975 she produced a consultative document which was regarded by the medical profession at large — although socialist supporters in that profession did not share the view — as a declaration of war .
24 ‘ About that time there was a notorious murderer at large .
25 The result is that the ‘ war against crime ’ fought by detectives becomes a symbolic re-enactment of conflicts in the economic world at large , between those who have material property and power and those who labour and are dispossessed .
26 If we want to know what is happening to the church we need to understand what is happening in the secular world at large .
27 But nobody is paying for the increasingly large amount of work we do for the childbearing and professional public at large .
28 However , the loyalty of political appointees and career civil servants in the federal administration at large is much more open to question .
29 And for once this year , Littlewoods ' results will be most keenly awaited not just by its rivals but by the financial community at large .
30 Economic forecasts are widely used both by policy-makers and by the business and financial community at large .
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