Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] at that " in BNC.

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1 In fact , only 12 national forests make any money at all , and a paltry $10m at that .
2 But the problem is the lower level at that , i i i it 's at the N C O level where complaints are made by soldiers and because the complaint has to be made through the regiment , then the the pressure is for the soldier to withdraw his complaint .
3 It was the eternal noise at that bend in the river , but on a normal day it could n't be heard here .
4 Ooh it 's posh look at that !
5 Now the modern Sylvia realized that the family had very little money at that time and that the birthday party given for her was probably quite a meagre affair compared with the boisterous celebrations on her own children 's birthdays .
6 That that look at that .
7 That look at that !
8 It is a personal , highly subjective account which seeks to relate my experience as an Irish lesbian , my involvement in political action at that time and my subsequent emigration to England in the mid-seventies .
9 This last was not such a great risk , because most of the stage staff were needed on the Prompt Side at that point in the play for a forthcoming scene change .
10 Temporal variations of solid concentrations at that level indicate the relative abundance of particles whose diameters may be calculated .
11 The decision of most lesbians with any political sensibility at that time to do this left many mixed gay organizations in a quandary .
12 It has become standard practice to picture the two cultures as standing in the most acute opposition at that time .
13 Only two little kids who was up in , well keeping watch on the outside , there were two in the house and two at the back , driving a bloody car at that age
14 According to local history , this field at that time would have been the playing fields of Mr Burton 's private school , which eventually became Victoria Park .
15 No , it was a piece I am very fond of and it happened to be in quite a few programmes at that time .
16 If a need for parental protection in part constitutes the superego — and a fundamental , primitive part at that — then it may be that disturbances in later superego-formation will bring these earlier , more primitive , aspects of the superego to the fore .
17 Thus we find in the tradition of observational analysis ( which in Britain and America is often taken as sociology tout court ) a developing interest in cultural institutions at that point when , through actual social developments in the modern press , cinema and broadcasting , there were major institutions and their products which could be studied by already generally available methods .
18 She was an old cow and a mean old cow at that .
19 When Johnny moved to West Ham for £60,000 plus the return of the ill-fated John Brett in March 1962 , the fee was the biggest between British clubs at that time , and his career flourished amid the glamour and publicity of the 1st Division .
20 Since no words are hypothesized other than those expected by the syntactic and semantic component at that point in the network , a large number of words in the vocabulary need never be considered as possible hypotheses .
21 I want you to take another look at that new Carefree proposal — the duty-free airport shops .
22 It was an aerial photograph that first drew my attention to the site — and not a very clear photograph at that .
23 There were two elements in the English Department at that time .
24 Voluntary early retirement now starts at 53 , but there are few takers at that age .
25 Well , they approached other authorities and other organisations er in order to find the funds , and the other authorities and other organisations refused to cough-up , because there had been a report in 1982 , er as a result of some research at that time .
26 Both these elements are needed in an understanding of soil erosion conservation , but hitherto it is only the first which has usually been considered — and only in the first of the three location-specific senses at that .
27 And to an English girl at that .
28 True , it was working in some areas at that time .
29 My favourite film of late was Ghost — I really had a good old cry at that .
30 As befits the objects of homosexual desire at that time , this new generation of teenybop pop stars were ‘ boy slaves ’ — more Limply Leslie than Rape Hunger — and failed to emerge from the pin-up process with their masculinity intact .
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