Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] for have " in BNC.

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1 Richardson , 37 , who met the the girl while she was walking her dog beside the river near her home in King 's Lynn , Norfolk , was given a 16-month sentence for having sex with a girl under 16 , the legal age of consent .
2 But they 've gone along with it without recognising that there will be a cost and members opposite have consistently criticised the European parliament for having a number of buildings from which to operate .
3 I do n't see that in any combination of these Amendments , I very much hope that my Noble Friend will come back at the report stage with our grateful thanks for having found a process which will produce a body of co of o of appointed members on the police authorities of a position to influence but not to determine his policy and that should be an a position , I agree with my Noble Friend , Lord Motterstone subordinate to that of the magistrates .
4 He was sent down from Eton in 1863 for a few months for having made a forbidden visit to a Jesuit house .
5 Breitenstein ( 1980 : 193 ) gives three different senses for have in its use with the bare infinitive : ( a ) I 'll have him clear up this mess ( an instruction ) ( b ) I wo n't have you say that ( a strong wish ) ( c ) I never had such a thing happen to me ( an experience )
6 The international firms see themselves remaining independent although the founders of Korn/Ferry and Russell Reynolds are still large holders in their businesses , and how these organisations are going to resolve the equity issues , so that the founders of the firm are paid an acceptable return for having started the business is being watched with interest .
7 Justifiable basis for having dregs
8 rightly , have stood condemned for 300 years for having committed the atrocity .
9 Another justification for having separate ‘ public order ’ offences is that group activities of this kind may , over and above the features discussed above , constitute a special threat to law enforcement and the political system .
10 There was some reason for having it there .
11 Brothers and sisters provide competition as well as a further reason for having to share and cooperate with others .
12 ‘ The strong prejudice against only children comes over as a clear reason for having at least two , ’ she says .
13 There 's some justification for having Green Link as a separate publication but even that is is under question in the coming twelve months because our circulation just does n't warrant all of these publications .
14 However , Bernard had filled the bottles with supermarket plonk , considering this adequate revenge for having been told by the same neighbour that his new perfume was ‘ rather bourgeois ’ .
15 Even if the Western powers were to act now with speed , resolution and cohesion they will never escape the moral responsibility for having dithered .
16 At Pontefract yesterday Isobel Brown , who said her last permanent address was Moscow , was committed for three months in the second division for having delivered a speech at Castleford on Wednesday likely to cause disaffection .
17 Mr Copeland also jailed him for three months for possessing Ecstasy , three months for possessing amphetamines , six months for having Ecstasy with intent to supply and three months for having amphetamines with intent to supply .
18 It reflects moral regret for having violated a situation of trust , and it shows concern that someone might have been hurt . ’
19 Either she could say that Derek was the biggest fool the world had ever seen — in which case she would stand , self-confessed , as an even bigger fool for having married him in the first place .
20 Secondly , even though group weddings do occur , for example among people like the Samburu of East Africa , where traditionally all the young men of the same age group married on the same day a group of girls , this does not mean that the marriages are any less individual affairs for having been celebrated all at the same time .
21 His steam engine was awarded a prize of £100 by the Aeronautical Society for having the greatest power-to-weight ratio of all the fifteen engines exhibited , but unfortunately the triplane could never be tested in the still-air conditions to which it was suited , and so never proved itself to be , if indeed it was , a practical flying machine .
22 The second reason for having a small circle of suspects is purely technical .
23 He pulled on a pair of folding sunglasses ( the sort you pay an extra load for to have ‘ Porsche ’ stamped across your field of vision ) as he made for the driver 's door , but even with them and the soft brown leather blouson jacket , which made him look a bit like an off-duty copper ( they get them cheap down Brick Lane ) , I still recognized him .
24 Mr Copeland also jailed him for three months for possessing Ecstasy , three months for possessing amphetamines , six months for having Ecstasy with intent to supply and three months for having amphetamines with intent to supply .
25 ‘ Give me a little credit for having no idea that my own supposed father was running a tape recording of our conversation ! ’ she responded sarcastically .
26 Edgar 's male chauvinism ( though this was a phrase not yet current ) and his expectation that his work was always , would always be of greater importance , than her own — these were aspects of their mutual dissatisfaction , no doubt , although both were , decades later , to concede that Edgar at this time was paying a high psychological price for having renounced his theatrical ambitions ( old Cambridge friends of his already had their names in lights in the West End , while he was a mere house officer ) and that Liz was still suffering from the trauma of confronting her mother with her total , final defection .
27 It would be a defence for a person charged to prove that he/she had good reason or lawful authority for having the article with him or her in a public place .
28 All the recordings bear the stamp of Walter Legge 's mastery as producer and also indicate the conductor 's welcome preference for having the second violins on his right , giving a better spread to the string sound .
29 The most voiced reason for having a baby is that the parents can give what was not given in their own lives , to compensate for their own emptiness .
30 So , if even there seems to be no obvious reason for having presented these recordings in this way , I am not really complaining .
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