Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] tell her " in BNC.

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1 Another quick guarded look told her he was still watching her .
2 The thigh-length silk robe he wore , his bare legs and still wet hair told her he had showered , and that very likely he wore nothing beneath that covering but his skin .
3 It was for Signora Kettering and her English upbringing told her that it was unthinkable to open letters addressed to someone else ; and yet as she came down the stairs and met the driver she had been taken , as she felt sure she was meant to be taken , for Signora Kettering .
4 His sweeping yet detailed glance told her he was thoroughly accustomed to the sight of a well-dressed woman , and she knew that in spite of his compliment he would recognise this dress as the countrified imitation of city fashions that it was .
5 Nor was there the slightest need to tell her of the thoughts that were uppermost in his mind .
6 ‘ You will need help , ’ the wise old turtle told her .
7 Some buried instinct told her that this was not the fitting end …
8 Topaz had never been with a man before , but some instinct told her how to arouse Andrew .
9 Some instinct told her that only the truth could save them now ; that the time for evasions was over .
10 But , as she reached the open door of the drawing-room and caught sight of Janice in the middle of the room , some instinct told her not to enter immediately .
11 i i i it was because of the doctor was too stupid to diagnose breast cancer when he saw it , urged my mother to have another baby told her it was a mastectomy erm er sorry erm
12 And er oh she says to m She could n't did n't speak Welsh but she told what the old man told her in that shop there .
13 The pulsing red bulb on the flash line told her .
14 Eventually a social worker told her she should leave .
15 An appraising glance at the assembled company tells her how to begin , and the lesson advances spontaneously yet logically to a physically and artistically satisfying climax and conclusion .
16 Instead , a sleepy purring trill told her that the dozing house cat — it was the long-haired one , named after Bubastis , and almost a pet — had mistaken her clumsiness for a caress ; she had barely disturbed its sleep .
17 The feeling was growing each time they met , and Alain 's dark eyes told her he knew .
18 One of my former patients , whose ex-husband had spent their entire marriage telling her that she was ‘ stupid ’ or ‘ brainless ’ , told me that , although she knew perfectly well that this was not true , by the time she had heard it said every day for the twelve years they had been together she had begun to believe that there must be something in it .
19 The lift of one dark brow told her he recognised the gibe .
20 Aunt Tossie considered if this was the right evening to tell her the news .
21 The Labour leader told her that no matter what changes she had in mind , nothing would make the poll tax fair .
22 His answering look told her he knew exactly what she 'd been thinking .
23 With her conscious mind telling her what to say and do , her emotions rebelled and she heard herself say something quite contradictory to its orders :
24 She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue and his sudden tension told her she was right .
25 She did n't have to be told that they would be arriving within seconds ; Marguerite 's tight shoulders told her that and Alain 's lips tightened too as the tension in the car reached him .
26 There was no proclamation of the word to bring the Brahmin woman to belief And there was no human messenger to tell her about Jesus , though the part played by the Christian outcast crossing sweeper was of the utmost importance .
27 Look , a little voice told her , he has n't mentioned commitment , true enough .
28 ‘ From now on , that charge will be mine , ’ he 'd had the utter nerve to tell her .
29 Her logical mind told her that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her physically , and yet scarcely a day passed when she did not feel unwell or suffer some unidentified pain .
30 Sometimes she feels like an agony aunt as many of her regular customers tell her their troubles .
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