Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] may [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The stretcher across the back of the chair will similarly have angled shoulders , but not necessarily at the same angle as the seat rail , as the back legs may taper away towards the bottom ; indeed they generally do .
2 I mean , there ca n't possibly be any hope now that some survivors may surface . ’
3 Although the number of species may have been at least approximately the same in marine environments for the last 300 million years or so the kinds of fossils have changed repeatedly , so that , for example , in marine limestones of Silurian age the shelled brachiopods may number dozens of species , whereas in similar looking limestones of Eocene age no brachiopods at all can be found , but there may be as many species of gastropods of kinds unknown in Silurian rocks .
4 A large Emmenthal wheel may weight up to 80kg/200lb .
5 The main emphasis is on the various ways that these relationships may pattern and establish expectations and opportunities for different individuals .
6 In common with other urban wasteland these sites may sport such species as buddleia ( Buddleia davidii ) , Oxford ragwort ( Senecio squalidus ) and Canadian fleabane ( Conyza canadensis ) .
7 Less scrupulous outlets may palm off Israeli Koi as Japanese .
8 As in the case of personal representatives , the company 's articles will probably provide that any restrictions on transferability apply on any application to be registered and to any transfer by him and these restrictions may handicap the trustee in obtaining the best price on a sale of the shares , particularly if the articles confer pre-emption rights .
9 In safety and cost conscious laboratories , the manipulations of the blood sample involved in measurement of this non-specific test may outweight the apparent simplicity of the technique .
10 Although it is well known nowadays that , in addition to the noxious cereal grains , genetic factors may predispose susceptible subjects to an immune response that damages the small intestinal mucosa and the other environmental factors may triggerthis abnormal immune response , it was Dicke 's astute observations some 50 years ago that first changed the prognosis and treatment of these patients dramatically .
11 To be sure , designers on one side may pirate good ideas , may imitate design features , from the other side .
12 Within fish , it is commoner among species that are small in size , and active swimmers ; and even within a species , small individuals may school whereas large ones do not .
13 At present , small practices may group together to become fund holders .
14 The eye of the affected side may water with tears .
15 Chemical companies may posture regret , but they have a vested interest in increasing Third World sales , as markets in industrialized countries are shrinking .
16 Many large firms will have official anti-discrimination policies , although the personnel management at local level may practice discrimination , perhaps avoiding hiring black workers or laying them off first in time of recession .
17 But it now looks as though pressure for earlier action may surface at the United Nations in the autumn , led by Canada and Malta .
18 Although Halliday does not commit himself to a functional definition of literary language , he does recognize that different kinds of literary writing may foreground different functions .
19 Section 2(1) of the Public Health ( Recurring Nuisances ) Act 1969 imposes a similar but lesser power : where a prohibition notice has not been complied with and the odour nuisance recurs , a local authority may institute summary proceedings , whereupon the Magistrates ' Court hearing the complaint shall have like power to make a nuisance order in the same way as if the local authority had acted under s.93 of the Public Health Act 1936 .
20 Half-heard rows may distress them more ; the fantasy of what is going on downstairs may well be worse than the reality .
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