Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] have i " in BNC.

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1 Well before both , my alert mind has me up and about my mother 's business .
2 ‘ The loon Yarrow made another attempt to have me employed today . ’
3 This day have I been in the library and it has been very interesting .
4 This day have I begotten thee .
5 I have n't succumbed yet this year have I ?
6 I mean it came out well I thought , it came out very well , considering it was , you know , different process , and it certainly does the job and I still have n't got my damn postcards have I ?
7 What extra skills have I learned through doing those jobs ?
8 ‘ Just how much work have I achieved so far ?
9 Polycarp , the second-century Christian leader in Smyrna , faced a hostile mob and quietly refused to go back on his faith in Christ : ‘ Eighty and six years have I served him , and he hath done me no wrong ; how then can I blaspheme my King who saved me ? ’
10 how much room have I left in front , yeah park the car there
11 What extra efforts have I made to increase my general skills ( night school , etc . ) ?
12 Well I had n't much choice have I ?
13 I remember I saw , two or three Years before my Acquaintance with her commenced , a Book about the Size of a common Copy-Book ( but something thicker ) fill 'd with Poems of her writing , that much pleas 'd me .
14 It should also lead you to ask another vital check question : Exactly how much time have I got for the presentation ?
15 How much time have I got ? he wondered .
16 People often say to me how much time have I got in which I can complain about faulty goods ?
17 Only once since that evening have I seen a more beautiful woman , a quiet girl sipping coffee in a tawdry dump misnamed The Lollipop .
18 The problem continues to be that a religious-fascist state wishes to hire professional terrorists to have me killed ; that has always been the problem . ’
19 They are put forward by the schools through the local authorities , except that of course there are a large number of independent schools in East and West Sussex , and these schools have I wrote to these ones asking if they had any children that they wanted to nominate .
20 Never in my wildest dreams had I ever thought I would even go to Hollywood , let alone work with people like him .
21 Never before or since that day have I encountered fog here , which is extremely rare , although poor visibility caused through low cloud and rain is common ( the well known Scotch Mist ) .
22 How many times had I heard that remark ?
23 How many times had I heard , ‘ This is your home , ’ ‘ These are your sons , ’ ‘ You are my sister , ’ ‘ They are your daughters ’ ?
24 How many times had I prayed for the impossible ?
25 How many times had I told her not to do it ? — to wait .
26 How many times have I heard you ?
27 How many times have I told you to dismount before letting go of your arrows ?
28 How many times have I told you that you should give up smoking but you never listen to what I say .
29 Many times have I heard people say , ‘ But if there is a God up there , then why does he not help me in my dilemma ? ’
30 When we pointed the ending out to them , some said " You mean you can sometimes tell what a chapter is about by looking at the end " and others said " 0 Lord , how many times have I been told ! "
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