Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] it take " in BNC.

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1 In a political and administrative system as riddled with tradition as the British , the old model could , and probably will , be restored in the few minutes it takes a new prime minister to travel from Buckingham Palace to Downing Street .
2 Here , I want to identify one feature of that relationship which seems to me to be crucial in understanding generic transformation in television , and the specific and different forms it takes in the US and the UK : the organization of the schedule .
3 On home-baked brown bread it takes the place of butter .
4 You tend to find that you become accustomed to the timing on your local water and that when sailing in a different place it takes a while to learn the timing of a different wave pattern .
5 Pitching : on one wild and windy night it took just five minutes to put up the inner .
6 Are you gon na go up there and get this sauce it takes hour .
7 But some people it took three weeks to do I do n't know how the hell it did that , and I did n't even know
8 I still love playing , but at my pensionable age it takes longer to recover from each match .
9 Even when Guy left her for the few seconds it took him to remove his own clothes , his murmured words of love and praise still warmed and reassured her .
10 With higher after-tax wages it takes fewer hours to earn any given target income .
11 Middlesbrough 2 Plymouth Argyle 1 ON a day when former England goalkeeper Peter Shilton was on top form it took a top goal to beat him .
12 On Hong Kong this year it took on a slightly different connotation .
13 She 's engaging brain it takes her some time to come out to the phone instruct the whole thing .
14 She 'd waited the few moments it took for his lean , athletic figure to be swallowed up in the crowd , feasting her eyes on his receding back , fighting back the threatening tears .
15 This time it took no formal action .
16 In 792 the Saxons revolted yet again ; this time it took two years of campaigning to suppress the Eastphalians and Nordalbingians involved .
17 Or nearly nothing : where before you could book for lunch by telephone in a minute or two , this time it took half a dozen tries spread over a day and a bit , and I finally had to strike higher up .
18 But this time it took fewer repeats before the horse calmed and stopped .
19 There was another babble of chatter , and this time it took longer to quieten .
20 It was just the same thing all over again , except that this time it took twice as long because of the interpreter .
21 Biographical time , the most complex of the three , the most various in the chronotopal forms it takes , and the most influential on later developments of the novel , places character at its centre , organizing space and time around it , variously tracing time as a spiritual or intellectual journey through a symbolic landscape , unfolding character through a series of acts and deeds , or tracing character through the different components of domestic and public life — family life , conduct in war , memorable sayings .
22 Not only does the promotion system mean that people who rise to the top are likely to have just those personal characteristics it takes to commit corporate crime , but these are also reinforced by the psychological consequences of success itself , for these too free a person from the moral bind of conventional values .
23 On the following day it took the Goodyear Trophy at 206 mph , flown by Hall , it took the next two races , again cruising round the course .
24 painting the kitchen once and I got into so much trouble it took him so long to rub it all off and start again , he made me promise I 'd never touch a paint brush again but he I mean , he would definitely be able to tell you what paint he used and
25 The advantage of a special utility room ( perhaps and old scullery or larder ) is that the noise , steam and clutter associated with doing the laundry is kept out of the kitchen , but the disadvantage is the extra space it takes up .
26 You have an opportunity through experience for knowing better than anyone else what is at stake and how much effort it takes , and what a loss it is if you do n't do everything you can to make your partner contented .
27 But you were too young to realise just how much work you have to put in at that stage of building up a business , how much effort it takes to hold the whole thing together and stop it from collapsing around you . ’
28 How much memory it takes up depends on the applications being run , comments IBM .
29 They had formulated some vague ideas which would let them use this effect to shorten the perceived time it took to play the games they had to play , but the castle clocks , or perhaps the castle itself , seemed unwilling to cooperate .
30 Or perceptions of how much time it takes
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