Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] it also " in BNC.

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1 In some cases it also helped to underline the main moments in the action by emphasising gestures for greater strength and expression .
2 As the toga increased in social importance it also gained in size , though it clearly remained a difficult garment to wear .
3 Out of this theory it also follows that the uniqueness of each individual construct system necessarily means that there can be no straightforward response to a stimulus but only a multiplicity of interpretations .
4 This year it also incorporates swivel wheels and an integral gutter system , designed to allow the addition of side-sheets and run-up covers for extra protection of the square .
5 Although Lord Ridleys aggressive and forthright manner sometimes rubbed people up the wrong way it also gained him the respect of colleagues …
6 At the meeting when the Council approved this document it also received a paper entitled ‘ Academic freedoms which might be granted to colleges ’ , directed towards ‘ relaxing controls ’ .
7 But as a resourceless rebellion it also produces isolation and dependency .
8 While this obviously placed great limitations on the evidence available to social anthropologists it also spared them.the problems of trying to find out what help they could get from documentary sources .
9 This phenomenon again suggests that the interpretation of a pronoun is influenced by a representation of superficial aspects of the preceding text It also lends itself to experimental study .
10 When Lilly finally handed over reports from the June symposium to the Committee on Safety of Medicines on 7 October it also proposed that the data sheets of information to doctors be changed to recommend ‘ half doses to the elderly ’ , according to the DHSS press office , or ‘ reduction of dosage to over 75s ’ according to the health minister .
11 Amber has always been used predominantly for jewellery , but in later times it also served to meet a variety of personal needs such as smoking gear , rosaries and worry beads .
12 It comes with with from 32Mb to 512Mb RAM , up to 105Gb disk , ISDN , three turbo channel slots , Ethernet , SCSI II , 2D graphics and optional FDDI it also runs OpenVMS in its initial guise , with a desktop OSF/1 implementation to follow ( more Alpha news on page three ) .
13 Instead of centring his analyses on the knowledge derived from the experience of the subject , Foucault investigates the conditions of emergence of the subject as the basis of knowledge ; he argues that at the same time as it was widely proposed as the one saving good of human civilization it also facilitated a more sinister operation .
14 At that price it also really does n't matter if you drop the odd meal to try a local restaurant !
15 The walk has a good middle in the form of the countryside centre , but like any decent excursion it also has a good beginning and a good end .
16 But , like all machines it also has a mechanical structure .
17 Whilst the hillside location creates a strong visual impact it also provides practical uses .
18 In the 1970s when feminism first drew attention to sexist language it also argued that sexism was deeply rooted in our attitudes precisely because of the power of language to make sexist terms appear to describe permanent cultural values .
19 Shakespearan drama is usually thought of as the embodiment of a truly popular art , whatever ‘ bourgeois ’ or aristocratic dimensions it also possesses .
20 For more information , together with some useful tips on nutrition and some tempting low-calorie recipes , write for a free leaflet to : The Flour Advisory Bureau It also runs a 24-hour Helpline on 071–4936786 .
21 Like parathyroid hormone it also increases nephrogenous cyclic adenosine monophosphate ( AMP ) and decreases the tubular phosphate threshold .
22 A wonderful example for today since we 're in Leeds is er United Leeds it also e such facilities as
23 When this logic was applied to the lower ranks of the armed forces it also carried the gloss that these men were less capable of intellectual control , being more animal and closer to nature .
24 At first glance it also looks like the perfect market of classic economic theory , where all potential buyers and sellers are simultaneously in touch with each other and able to agree the most acceptable price to meet their requirements .
25 With all this , small wonder it also has tourists .
26 As the information recorded has a long-term value it also raises the migration and obsolescence factors .
27 Whilst this edition still primarily addresses that situation it also deals with the conveyance of the matrimonial home in other situations , for instance the insolvency of the husband ( see Chapter 10 ) and , following his death , a claim by the wife against his estate .
28 Section 13(1) provides that : To the extent that this Part of this Act prevents the exclusion or restriction of any liability it also prevents — ( a ) making the liability or its enforcement subject to restrictive or onerous conditions ; ( b ) excluding or restricting any right or remedy in respect of the liability , or subjecting a person to any prejudice in consequence of his pursuing any such right or remedy .
29 While the campaign doubtless sent many young people off to London in search of trips , eroticism , and communal life it also energized the police .
30 At the same time it also indicates a polarisation of national identities .
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