Example sentences of "[adj] [Wh pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The TV cameras attract the mindless who want to be seen by their friends .
2 So , right from the outset let us make it clear who qualifies for our Professionals ' Mortgage Service .
3 It 's interesting who get to be the ‘ authoritative ’ women in television .
4 Only the faithful who pray to her and draw on her strength can do that .
5 I did hear Ras Mohammed , the Ethiopian who kept to himself pretty much , got to be a big General but maybe you did n't know him .
6 Charles 's sister Isabella , Edward II 's queen , was still alive , and his two predecessors , Louis X who died in 1316 , and Philip V who died in 1321 , had daughters — Philip had five .
7 As we progress up the scale of profit-taking , we find others who sell at small craft fairs and those who find an outlet through local shops , until we come at last to the favoured few who sell at the prestigious crafts fairs which Hugh prefers .
8 The writer Joseph Addison is the best-known of the few who benefited from this .
9 He still encountered in his daily life a few who looked past the empty gaud that distracted lesser minds and longed for a revelation that would burn the tinsel away , an Apocalypse that would show the Fifth the glories it yearned for in its sleep .
10 Nevertheless , the party contained not a few who disapproved of the caution of the Labour leadership in retaining the electoral truce yet apparently obtaining so few significant concessions in respect of policy from the coalition government .
11 The incompetence of the king , and the arrogance and greed of the Despensers , had so alienated men from the court that none except the few who profited from the king 's favour would fight for him .
12 I am afraid he 's the laughing-stock of the court , despised by most and pitied by the few who listen to his constant pleas of innocence .
13 Working with a different pianist each night provided an infinite variety of the best and worst musicians in the country , and among the best were the few who listened with a different ear , who could lose the rest of the world and let voice and instrument be controlled by a joint spirit .
14 There are fine expressions of true sensuality in this book , and great gratitude to those he left behind : Anne ( in ‘ For Anne ’ ) ; Annie ( in ‘ Now Of Sleeping ’ ) ; Betty ( in ‘ The Boy 's Beauty ’ : for Betty , his italics ) ; and beyond those unnamed lovers of yesteryear , not a few who responded to his charm and wit .
15 The rest had left finance , bar a few who retrained for the burgeoning futures markets in right-to-pollute certificates and manual-job options .
16 Large spacious offices dominated by a Chesterfield reputedly used by the Rolling Stones singer and Marianne Faithful for amorous interludes attracted the traditional crowd of hangers-on , plus the few who came into work .
17 Yes it will , and the few who slip through the net will be denied legal aid to argue their case .
18 Typescripts photocopied and distributed that carried the rivulet of dissent from eye to eye for the few who trusted in a future of change and the ultimate destruction of the monolith that controlled their lives .
19 Because of his fame , his history and his continued presence in the sport , as well as the strength of his personality , Emerson remained a figure ; but also the shadows lengthened about him and few who worked with him in those years have much good to say about their relationships with him or with his team .
20 Thus a proposed pit closure threatened the economic base of the entire community ; an absence of work for the male adults meant the destruction of every family 's economic foundation , for very few women ( save a few who worked in village shops etc. ) had either jobs or the local opportunities of jobs .
21 The vast majority of readers chose to take the option of voting for two favourite animals , but those few who voted for just one ( which was then counted twice in the tallying up ) tended to favour the elephant , specifically the African elephant , followed by tiger , otter and pig .
22 As was pointed out in the previous chapter , the plan of the Victorian house and the Victorian city have this in common : that both are so designed that the few who live on the privileged side of the divide need know nothing of the many who are crowded beyond it into a fraction of the space .
23 ‘ Boys do n't really discuss sex themselves apart from a few who brag about it all the time .
24 Some who yearn for children adopt orphans , if they can afford to care for them .
25 Some who enrol on a course may also find managing their work load and domestic arrangements traumatic and feel guilty , undermined by lack of support from partner , parents or children or emotionally blackmailed .
26 ‘ In many Free Churches I fear that awe is an unknown factor ’ and ‘ some who sneer at elaborately worked altar-cloths would do well to cultivate the spirit of those by whom they were presented . ’
27 Some who came at the outset no longer come to events , but others have joined since .
28 Some who went to the surgery thought that Daisy looked like an animal herself , moving sometimes like a slow marmalade cat , other times like a bustling sheep dog-for she was a woman of moods — and seeming to combine the best and worst qualities of each .
29 Also disappointed were some who hoped for an inauguration of a holy war against the Roman occupation of Judaea : he taught non-resistance , love to enemies .
30 For example , some who have for years looked after a spouse may sometimes have deeply resented the way that this has taken over their lives , particularly perhaps if this feels forced by cultural assumptions such as ‘ appropriate ’ roles for women in the domestic setting .
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