Example sentences of "[adj] [Wh pn] [be] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sure there are some who are you know , are in a bad way and they 're having to do other things that they should n't be doing .
2 [ A. Simmonds , ‘ Mr Cox of Cox 's Orange Pippin' , Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society , vol. lxviii , 1943 , pp. 347–9 ; this article also appears in A. Simmonds , A Horticultural Who Was Who , 1948 , pp. 11–16 . ]
3 In terms of individual connections , with the exception of Mosley and some of his personal lieutenants , the membership of the NL included a galaxy of anti-semitic and pro-nazi notables , a veritable who 's who of the fascist political fringe .
4 Is that who 's she 's been seeing ?
5 Yes Chair , I think Mr was quoting Michael Portillo was n't he in about the er , when you sell a house you do n't not pay off the mortgage , and of course what most people do is buy another house , sorry who was it ?
6 Erm , let's cover one or two things , because about a year ago , in two articles in the local use , sorry who was it ? allowed to sell the accumulated fund from council house sales , on building new houses , and two weeks later the deputy leader of the council , argued that he needed that money invested because the council could n't exist without the interest on it .
7 5 Who am I ?
8 Yeah , I think it 's b as I say it 's because I think people are wary I mean you know , not sure who 's who .
9 One was always afraid , there were spies everywhere and one could never be sure who were one 's friends .
10 ‘ Let her go , ’ they might say , ‘ give her a chance to see the world , after all who is she going to meet round here ? ’
11 A worker-directed study conducted in the mid-1970s considered as temporary workers all who had a job which was available only for a limited time and all who were themselves available for their jobs for only a limited period of time .
12 You may meet those who are themselves unhappy , bitter , cynical , twisted and limited , who are likely to express these feelings in a destructive way , particularly in their attitudes towards others .
13 Some theorists identify a multitude of ‘ dialects ’ spoken within one legal system , while others point to changes in the process of law creation : traditional models tend to attribute this to parliament , government and the courts , whereas increasingly it involves those who are themselves subject to legal rules .
14 Wishart and Virden ( 1977 ) also suggest that in the twentieth century a fundamental opposition between ‘ literate ’ music styles ( from concert music to Tin Pan Alley songs ) and ‘ oral ’ styles ( quintessentially Afro-American musics , but also popular styles derived from these ) is associated with the opposition between those who dominate and control the social system and those who are its victims .
15 Perhaps most important of all is the legitimacy of the system with those who are its subjects .
16 Sooner or later those who are there will be forced to withdraw shamefully .
17 I do not want to say that we are going to get rid of everyone , only those who are our enemies .
18 The skilfully deployed irony in Herbert 's case is enhanced by the Psalm 's announcement of God 's punishment of those who are his people 's enemies , rather than the reverse as Herbert 's poem suggests .
19 However , the rewards which the tutors receive for their labours are not merely financial , but lie in an increased knowledge of the subject concerned , the regard and friendship of the next generation of the actuarial profession , and the repayment of the debt they owe to those who were their tutors and to their profession .
20 To her astonishment , Sally-Anne , who for two dreadful months had hardly been able to bring herself to be near any man , however young and apparently innocuous , wanted to stroke the corner of his mouth — more , she wanted to smooth the scar away — or , rather , since that was impossible , to run her hand down it and tell him that it did not matter , such a thing could only disturb those who were themselves already disturbed !
21 They interacted in ever more complex and expanding networks of economic activity and not the least input into the broadening of consumer demand came from those who were themselves employed in meeting it .
22 Nevertheless , it is to these two writers that we owe almost all that we know of El Cid 's life from those who were his contemporaries .
23 Those who were his companions in arms must have known such moments .
24 ‘ Because those who were there could n't be where his old woman was , could they ? ’
25 0403.3 Who is our client ?
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