Example sentences of "[adj] [n mass] a [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Ravenous Geac Computer Corp Ltd , Markham , Ontario , hyperactively busy buying up the foreign subsidiaries of moribund computer companies , has now bought NBI Canada Inc for under $800,000 ; the networking company does some $1.6m a year .
32 Elsag Bailey SpA has acquired Ferranti International Controls Inc of Houston , and according to the Financial Times , Ferranti International Plc is in process of getting out of the US , where it does some $100m a year , some 25% of the total , and employs about 1,000 people : it is winding up a Pennsylvania company , Ferranti International Simulation & Training and will sell the rest .
33 Late in 1774 he was presented to Weston Longville , Norfolk , a well-provided living worth some £400 a year .
34 This should shoot the Amstrad Plc shares past the failed buyout offer price of 30 pence a share : on March 18 , the company plans to launch ‘ the world 's first Personal Digital Assistant ’ at a ‘ mass market price ’ , suggesting that the gadget will shoot Amstrad to a world lead .
35 After shareholders voted to reject his 30 pence a share offer to take the company private in December , Alan Sugar has some fence-mending to do : Amstrad insists that the personal communicator to be launched next week is not the kind of blockbuster product that will restore the company 's fortunes on its own , but the unexpected first half profit has caused some to feel that Sugar overdid the gloom .
36 If that 's out of your price bracket … there 's always pork scratchings at 30 pence a bag .
37 The family claims to pay the production team 300 yuan a year , presumably for maintaining farm infrastructure , and another 250 yuan to the commune , which builds things like roads and schools .
38 Since the days when oysters were as everyday a dish as hamburgers are now , we have reached a point where each person eats only an average of 1.2oz of fresh fish a week .
39 The ones that I did two years ago , which are giving a return of something about er nine to nine and a half percent a year , plus the potential for return in capital , will actually be very good .
40 The latest figures show that steady growth continued over the last three months and that as a whole , the economy is growing at a rate of two and a half percent a year .
41 Paris was first and despite a struggle to get off the ground , the company now has three operations bringing in some £200,000 a week .
42 The region 's 600 clerical staff want at least another £700 a year .
43 The council tax , increase in rents , and tax on electric and gas now means I must find approximately another £22.50 a week .
44 A further £13 a week goes on fuel .
45 It worked out at the 10s 0d a week 7pension .
46 Already supported to the tune of some $50,000 a year from the proceeds of annual art auction , local rugby earned high praise when Parfrey 's club , The Swilers , donated $2,000 to help cover the costs of a month long exhibit of work by the French master Marc Chagall at Memorial University .
47 In addition , a further £3,000 a year can be used to buy a PEP invested in the shares of one company .
48 The impact of technology is such that you can now do by electronic means a lot of things which were previously done by middle managers — collecting information , processing it , manipulating it in various ways : shunting it around the organisation . ’
49 UN officials reckon that to pay both the army and the civil servants would cost some $1m-7m a month .
50 It is condoning promotion of a drug which kills 110,000 people a year … it is , quite simply , unethical . ’
51 Initial plateau production is planned at 152 million cu ft a day from six wells .
52 His assurances that it was still possible to declare war and survive were appreciated most of all by the ‘ military-industrial complex ’ — the Pentagon , the RAND Corporation ( for which Kahn 's research was done ) and the thriving weapons industry , Deterrence always had and will have one decisive advantage over Disarmament as a policy : it makes some people a fortune .
53 You can not treat the second that way ; it simply affirms for some people a principle it denies to others .
54 It takes some people a time to realise that the inside facelets are never seen , to see that all the faces can turn and that there are several distinct types of pieces .
55 The time had come to splash out to the tune of forty quid a head for the eight members of his party who had travelled with him from the Forest of Arden to Sussex by the Sea .
56 So it 's about forty quid a night and there 's Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday .
57 He ran round them all like an angel down from heaven , dropping packets of heroin at a bargain forty quid a gram .
58 They keep paying us forty quid a month , I 'm gon na get a nice fourteen and a half grand this year .
59 ‘ There 's people here on just forty quid a week .
60 His dad 's in a new business , anyway , bec so you should get forty quid a week at least , anyway .
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