Example sentences of "[adj] [that] i should " in BNC.

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1 But the actual letter survives and only a mind predisposed to suspect the sender could think it pompous : ‘ After the most careful consideration I have decided , if you are willing that I should do so , to recommend your name for the succession to the see of Durham . ’
2 Some I suppose ; some that I should n't dream of saying ; that even I should consider ‘ shockingly vulgar ’ .
3 When I expressed my appreciation of the honour he had done me by inviting me to his coronation , he replied that as the eldest son of his trusted friend , to whom he owed so much , it was proper that I should be present .
4 It seems odd that I should be expected to pay for the privilege of assisting in this way , in particular , as I doubt that these changes will alleviate the falling numbers of applicants to medical schools in the UK .
5 It 's odd that I should remember that now , because I did n't connect the two incidents at the time .
6 Why is it odd that I should try to help her when she is in difficulties ? ’
7 How odd that I should be nine cents adrift
8 It was even just possible that I should have to spend more of the war in this country than I had done in my own .
9 Although I am down , I still have my pride and dignity and so I thought it only right that I should remove all the silverware I had brought to the club from the trophy cabinet : my cycling proficiency medal , the Mitchley Majorettes runners-up trophy I nicked from their carnival float , my Winston Churchill commemorative coin and the photograph of Michel Platini and myself talking football outside Broadcasting House whilst both waiting to secure Bruce Forsyth 's autograph .
10 Having been a teacher for over 30 years it might seem strange that I should begin a book on primary education by reflecting on the significance of schooling .
11 How very strange that I should never have seen that .
12 Today , having given up smoking about twenty years ago , I find it unbelievable that I should have smoked as many as ten cigarettes a day ; but they were one of the things that helped to create a bond with Dana , something we could share .
13 But as I 've already told you just , it was very ironical that I should l go back down the hole in er Germany again .
14 We went to Edinburgh on our wedding tour and I thought it beautiful but I think that my state of mind at the time was such that I should have thought anywhere beautiful .
15 I have learnt much that I should , perhaps , have known already .
16 For let me tell you something : I 've respected myself far more for doing cleaning jobs well than for doing teaching jobs badly — and it is entirely appropriate that I should do so .
17 I have had the advantage of reading those speeches and it seems appropriate that I should set out my conclusions without repeating in detail the facts and points for decision in those authorities .
18 I had already made my debut in Scrutiny , however , and he may have felt that this made it appropriate that I should have something equivalent in The Criterion .
19 Mr MacAskill commented : ‘ It became clear the vote was a confidence issue in the party convener and I felt it was no longer appropriate that I should remain in his cabinet . ’
20 I 'm convinced that I should lose more weight , then no one could be thinner than I am .
21 I was so much convinced that I should get Roux 's result in all its features , that even in spite of the whole blastula , I now expected the next morning would reveal to me the half-organization of my subject once more ; the gut , I supposed , might come out quite on one side of it , as a half-tube , and the ring of cells might be a half one also .
22 I was content to be on my own , glad that I should have no need to accommodate myself to a fellow-countryman , that any decisions in the days ahead would be entirely mine .
23 Since I hated the police , it was natural that I should feel myself aligned with the prostitutes .
24 It seemed perfectly natural that I should spend one evening being waited on by uniformed retainers at the home of an important industrialist whose son I taught , and the next in a seedy bar drinking beer with a group of workers from the factory where I gave private courses in technical English .
25 After all , I live here , so it 's only natural that I should be interested in what goes on . ’
26 I 'm the only one who 's ever been mayor in his twenties , and I think that came about probably because the family had been in the town since the beginning of the century erm and I 'd been involved in local politics since about eight or nine , taking numbers on polling stations and so on , and so when I got elected to the Council I think one or two people at any rate felt that it was quite natural that I should have the opportunity fairly soon .
27 And so when I got elected to the Council I think one or two people at any rate felt that it was quite natural that I should have the opportunity fairly soon .
28 My aggressiveness towards the adults around me for putting me in such an invidious position was certainly unacknowledged and unconscious , and had my sisters not told me of my bullying tactics — which I had conveniently forgotten — it is likely that I should not be able to acknowledge it even now .
29 It seems more likely that I should have denied depression , helplessness and , above all , being a non-person .
30 In the meantime , please do n't hesitate to contact me if there is anything urgent that I should be doing in connection with Olympus .
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