Example sentences of "[adj] [that] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No longer interrupted by shooting , the zombies continued their steady slow pace , completely ignoring the Marines other than to step around any Marine that was in their path .
2 And yet , she felt sure now , it was this that was in her mother 's mind because , as far as her mother knew , her cousin was childless .
3 ‘ I 'm afraid that 's against the house rules after eleven p.m .
4 It is not the designs that are important but their social impact ; and it is not the physical distance between new and old that is of concern , but the social distance .
5 I 've got two children in the circus , I 've got one five year old that 's at the age now where yo he 's he 's watching everything and learning everything .
6 DeVore watched Berdichev move among the men gathered there in the garden room , more at ease now than he had ever been ; saw too how they looked to him now as a leader , a shaper of events , and noted with irony how different that was from how they had formerly behaved .
7 The mare stands in the rain , cold and shivering , with no thought of going into the comfortable stable that is in her yard .
8 Repeated official and unofficial enquiries have suggested that the foreign exporting sector buys very little that is of Irish manufacture , and even when it does buy locally it tends to buy low value-added goods , like packaging materials and industrial consumables .
9 The appearance of a Labour party pamphlet , European Unity , in June 1950 added to the indignation in Congress and press alike given that it contained so little that was in tune with American hopes of European integration .
10 We might claim , for instance , to have a right to life because we each have an interest in being alive that is of sufficient importance to justify holding others to be under a duty to respect our lives , and the government to be under a corresponding obligation to reinforce that duty by enacting appropriate laws .
11 ‘ Well I like that … that 's rich that is after all I do for you .
12 And she was the first that got on horseback , and with some fifty that were with her , did some hurt to the company of the Cid ; but in fine they slew her , and her people fled to the camp .
13 It is not the generality as such that is at fault .
14 Oh they came up with their servants all servants up from the south by train to Inverness and then a charabanc or vehicle of such that was in it then because it was only metal roads we had then .
15 The point is made : there is a disadvantage to children immediately in the learning by teachers of so much that is at least newly described , if not new in reality .
16 These that are in this bag .
17 Erm wh what I would suggest is the three that are on the group and if John 's going to be off maybe somebody else from NALGO would , would er step in to the group , get together over the next two weeks or so and er try to jointly produce a Northumberland newsletter ?
18 Nissan is the extreme case among the seven Japanese car makers settling into America and the three that are in Britain .
19 Good good that 's on there and keep ?
20 When you get angry you pump all sorts of different chemicals around your body and they do n't do your body any good that 's for sure , you know you get the adrenalin that starts making everything well making the blood move faster heart beat faster you get other chemicals ready and if those chemicals are n't used properly or if something does n't happen and it uses those particular chemicals and they 're left inside the body then that causes eventually physical illness in some sort of physical wearing of some sort or another , so gradually just the opposite of this where you 're you 're not internalising your throwing it out , but there 's a hell of a lot in there that 's been stored up there and bottled up there before it throws out , and when you do tend to be aggressive it 's not because you 're being aggressive on purpose it 's because it 's just something that just happens and wells up when you get to a particular point and whoosh out it comes .
21 The only thing he could think of was he was a good swimmer — and a fat lot of good that was to him .
22 it was still , erm quite good that was worth it that day
23 Then he will sometimes peradventure send a beam of ghostly light piercing this cloud of unknowing that is betwixt thee and him , and show thee some of his privity of the which man may not nor can not speak .
24 Ay , I I 've I 've said that to them I said well you might have , if I take to work you 'll certainly hear some they said tha well if that 's common usage words that 's what it has to be and words that we never use at all that are in dictionaries and nobody ever uses them , they want to know common ordinary speech words that we use .
25 ‘ Smaointe ’ or ‘ thoughts ’ was inspired by the story of the beach at Margallen , where a great wave once swept away a small church and all that were in it .
26 Well we wo n't be needing so many that 's for sure , no .
27 ‘ No current that 's worth speaking of , no wind , a heavy anchor weight and a stout anchor rope .
28 Notts County manager Mick Walker has named the same fourteen that were on duty at the City ground on Saturday for tonight 's journey to Wolves .
29 Built in 1540 , these lovely red-brick stables have been loaned to the Horse Rangers by grace and favour since 1964 , and could not have a better tenant than this exclusive voluntary organisation — exclusive that is to children who do not have their own horses and ponies .
30 She wo n't go unclothed that 's for sure .
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