Example sentences of "[adj] [Wh det] may [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There , there 's , there 's a lot of parts in this which may well be relevant to you but then there 's some that may not
2 That scenario can be distinguished from another which may nevertheless overlap and converge with it : the necessary identifications of male bonding — ‘ I desire to be like you ’ — produce an intensity of admiration some of which just can not help but transform into deviant desire for , rather than just honourable imitation of , ‘ man 's ’ most significant other ( i.e. man ) .
3 But this does not exclude the possibility of convictions for the use of physical force well beyond that which may reasonably be expected in a game : the borderline is vague , but presumably the courts will decide particular cases by reference to the degree of violence used , its relation to the play in the game , any evidence of intent , and so on .
4 The law is called upon to distinguish between information which may be legitimately used to make a stock market trade , and that which may not .
5 Some were growing beards and going bald which may not seem like drastic changes , but in the women there must have been side effects from changing your course of pills .
6 However , adulthood begins at 18 rather than 21 , and once again we have an example of a desire to shield those aged under 21 which may actually lead to the penalization of some brothers and sisters of that age .
7 Other compounds contributing to the odour may also be present which may not react with either an alkaline or acid reagent .
8 Prepare agendas for the meetings which set out the ground rules , issues to be covered and those which may not be discussed ( i.e. whether to talk price ) .
9 IN this chapter we are concerned with a group of torts the function of which is to protect some of a person 's intangible interests — those which may loosely be called his business interests — from unlawful interference .
10 I have left till last what may well be considered by book-collectors one of the most charming fields of ephemera collecting — that of the chapbook , so called from the chapman or pedlar in whose pack so many of these small publications found their way through the shires of England .
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