Example sentences of "[adj] [vb -s] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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31 This gives me the basic framework on which to elaborate .
32 This gives me the basic framework on which to elaborate .
33 Making up her mind is the first stage as this gives her a clear aim and plan .
34 John Watson tends to regard himself as Mike 's adopted father , but Mike has inherited the substantial Lester shareholding and this gives him a considerable amount of independence ( which is not always to John Watson 's taste ) .
35 If you volunteer the irrelevant information that an imaginary character 's grandfather was a fishmonger , this gives him a history , an added dimension , that makes him more real .
36 This gives him the chance to escape at night while The Count of Monte Cristo is on the radio .
37 If you happen to know that it is the Prime Minister personally who advises the Queen to dissolve Parliament , you will realise that this gives him the whip hand over other members of the Cabinet — who fear the cataclysm of an untimely election as much as back-benchers do .
38 So it 's an attempt on , on , on the second level to minutely reconstructing historical , the lost , the truest but what really happened and in that on that level , it 's important for Freud to establish that Moses was not Jewish but Egyptian , because this gives him the link with Egyptian monarchism and the events of the exodus and explains it as well .
39 This gives him an additional +1 attack in close combat .
40 This gives him an unrivalled knowledge of the way in which banks operate , and contacts inside them .
41 This gives him an antidote to the high pressure selling techniques sometimes employed by door-to-door salesmen .
42 This gives him an opportunity of bringing his appointed representatives together to discuss sales opportunities , the marketplace , and provides an ideal opportunity for an exchange of ideas .
43 This gives it a whitish sparkle as light catches millions of tiny prisms and reflects white light .
44 This gives it a passing resemblance to a crab , with which it shares an inability to raise itself significantly above any flat surface on which it finds itself , giving the lie to that universally popular , but inaccurate , graffito , ‘ Please to stand upon the seat , the crabs in here can jump six feet ’ .
45 Note that there are no half-steps within this set of scale degrees and this gives it a very rounded and open flavour .
46 This gives it a total of six Nissan dealerships .
47 This gives it a peculiar rolling gait .
48 This gives it a way of testing its own skills at forging links between different products .
49 This gives it a bite that is lacking in much sociological research , which remains descriptive and under-theorized , and which sees all meaning systems as logically equal .
50 This gives it a great depth of field , and everything is maintained in focus .
51 This gives it an even more marked excess longitudinal velocity and this feature is particularly apparent in the inner half of the boundary layer .
52 This gives it the feel of a heavy craft knife or pencil , making fine texturing easier on the elbow .
53 This gives it the versatility of a Strat or Les Paul and with the power of the untapped HFS pickups it really is the best of both worlds .
54 This gives it the ability to read and analyse difficult forms such as facsimile copies and folded or smudged paper , and to learn .
55 This gives you a head start , and if you are sensitive to her changing needs as she goes through the grief experience you will learn your role and recognise your cues as you go along .
56 If you have taken the sensible option of a Boar Boyz Boss this gives you a formidable front line with eight Orc and three Boar attacks concentrated into three models , not to mention the effect of magic weapons or the war boars ' charge .
57 This gives you a chance to arrive at some horrible , eye-torturing combinations , like plaid for the font and stripes for the background .
58 This gives you a purpose and a reason to get out of bed in the morning .
59 So erm right now I think we might as well erm allow things to draw naturally to a close there so um let's see erm this gives you a few minutes to catch your breath in time for video , for those of you who 're erm intending to watch it .
60 This gives you the advantages of : improved cashflow , more certain financial forecasting because of greater certainty of receipts , 100% credit cover ( if required ) , minimal bad debt risk , reductions of staff costs and administrative overheads .
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