Example sentences of "[adj] [vb -s] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I can see the town airport from where I am , indeed I can touch its tarmac with a digit thrust through the chain-link fence — all that separates it from the Lofleiđ3ir — but to get from here to there is not so easy , and involves taking a bus into town and back out again or taking a taxi .
2 To it we owe that nervous , spidery line of the drawings — so quick , so attentive , yet so despairing — that alerts us to the elusiveness of the subject at the same time that it perseveres in the attempt to render it .
3 ’ Becke 's revision reads : ‘ He dwelleth wyth his wyfe accordinge to knowledge , that taketh her as a necessarye healper , and not as a bonde servaunte or a bonde slave .
4 That turns me on that does .
5 That covers me for office work to negotiate to try and settle this case .
6 That is significant because that covers us for paying you commission .
7 That covers you for us paying you in the next week .
8 That places me at something of a disadvantage . ’
9 What is communicated can easily be a view that ignores other religions , or that interprets them inadequately within terms of a comparison with one 's own , or that accepts them without trying to relate to them so that they exist in a kind of schizophrenic soup in the mind and emotions .
10 ( Hartman has shown that the average person has one or less nightmares a year ; and only one person in 500 has them on a weekly basis . )
11 Although relatively fresh and interesting , neither has anything like the same energy as his screenplay for Mackendrick .
12 And what I mean by help out is that one of the documents that we leave er when we sign them up to take the product is a list that so that looks something like this .
13 If mothers receive a benefit which they are expected and indeed do spend to service the needs of their families , then this re-confirms them as the day-to-day managers of household finances , which for millions of women is not only a chore but also a source of considerable anxiety ( McClelland , 1982 ) .
14 All this involves him in a vast amount of estate business as well as , he says with a mixture of relish and despair , ‘ this desperate business of patronage ’ .
15 This involves them in the same difficulties as those faced , or evaded , by psychologists .
16 This involves me in some paperwork , which , however tedious …
17 This has something of the smack of a ‘ like it or not ’ pronouncement of the kind commonly declaimed by those who would have us suppose that opposition to things we do not like would be pointless .
18 All this has nothing at all to do with money or financial status .
19 It 's irrelevant … corruption , graft , propping up tyrants , accumulating wealth at the altars … fertility goddess … bullshit … phallic worship … look at Galileo … this has nothing to
20 But this has nothing to — ’
21 The carving of the features on the youth 's head , fig. 70 , is so like that of the girl 's that they may well be the work of one artist ; but this has none of the other 's contradictions .
22 This has none of the mysticism about it , but has been hammered in by a pragmatic human being , after careful choice of the most suitable section available .
23 At one level , this exhibits itself in the place that mathematics and science have come to occupy , mainly in virtue of their underpinning of technology in all its forms , including information technology and computerization .
24 This pits him against dance , ragga , and hip hop beats .
25 I will pay the agency 's usual commission for your services , plus a bonus for any inconvenience this causes them in their scheduling .
26 This places one in the domain of knowledge or facts and the perceiving necessarily precedes the logical conclusion to which it gives rise .
27 Some people stress the need to protect innocent children from the misuse of adult power ; others see the way forward as one of liberating and empowering children , even if this places them at risk .
28 First , cases of ‘ excessive defence ’ have a grounding in legal justification , in that the occasion was one which justified the use of some force , and this places them on a higher social plateau than killings with no element of justification at all .
29 The reason is that the folding of the ears brings them forward and this places them in a posture that is not part of the usual ear-lowering signal .
30 In addition , even medium-sized plants can dominate the labour markets of small towns ( for example , in the cases of Westland at Yeovil and Clarks at Street ) , and this places them in a strong position in their dealings with the labour force ( Lever 1978 ) .
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