Example sentences of "[adj] [is] [that] when " in BNC.

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1 What is clear is that when people do resort to credit to make ends meet , their anxieties increase .
2 The advantage of this is that when you start gigging , you have someone out front who knows your songs , and who can either mix your sound or at least keep an eye on the house engineer .
3 This is that when we look at the evolution of cultural traits and at their survival value , we must be clear whose survival we are talking about .
4 The result of this is that when line ‘ C ’ is fixed , the rate of turn brought about by the lateral position of the connecting ring is reduced when the ring is moved up , and increased when the ring is moved down .
5 What we mean by this is that when the pupils feel themselves put down , treated without ‘ seriousness ’ , they behave in such a way as to restore themselves to the status of mature beings .
6 A common result of this is that when the philosophers deny autonomy to women , they do so for the same sorts of reason that they deny it to children and cite lack of rationality , capriciousness and vulnerability among their characteristics .
7 The practical result of this is that when we study the individual child we see a succession of stages of development which from the point of view of the id are just as they should be and — because the id is the oldest , most fundamental and , from the point of view of the instinctual drives which originate it , the most important agency — are just what they should be .
8 one of these is that when the two parties separate , the manager continues to take commission for a number of years , but only on those records issued or those songs written during his or her term of office .
9 . And the idea with these is that when you get reimbursed for expenses , you put the receipt into the expense envelopes then at the end of the month , erm , you would staple the envelope and attach it to your company expense claim or you know , throw it at the person who 's going to give your money back or whatever .
10 What is objectionable is that when centralisation takes place within a federal framework , as it always does , the result is a complicated , opaque and unwieldy fudge .
11 What is most apparent is that when chronologies are put forward the resulting data either can not be , or is not used to study early Anglo-Saxon society in any more detail , and even when a pattern appears it is noted as an aside to the central issue .
12 Another problem which owners may fail to appreciate at first is that when a dog is in pain , it may bite unexpectedly , even though the cause of the pain is not immediately obvious .
13 The first is that when people are discharged from hospital early they should be seen soon in out-patients .
14 The first is that when a property is subject to restrictive covenants , it is bad practice to burden the title with a fresh covenant to observe them , unless it is really necessary to protect a seller , who will remain personally responsible for their observance .
15 Er I come up to draw the President 's attention erm to a problem we have within the delegation and that is that when er Dick called the mover of resolution three eight one in the name of the Lancashire region John who was going to move the resolution was in fact sat in his seat within the delegation .
16 I believe that the reason for that is that when the Bible is used in school or in church it is nearly always in the form of a modern version , which is entirely unmemorable and unpoetic .
17 He almost had me going , but my Rule of Life No. 14 is that when somebody offers you the chance of a lifetime , they usually mean theirs , not yours .
18 But what is certain is that when the new campaign kicks-off on August 14 , Rushie will be raring to go .
19 What is likely is that the royal burgh and its muir were set up by David 's brother , Alexander I , in about 1120 , but what is certain is that when David founded Holyrood Abbey in 1128 , or soon after , his charter makes it clear that Edinburgh was by then a going concern .
20 The joy of the Christian is that when we express our sorrow and our anxiety we shall receive God 's peace and we shall receive God 's joy .
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