Example sentences of "[adj] [was/were] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The seaman — Gustave continued as if this were the best story he had heard for many years — apparently claimed that he had no notion of how the section of mast had reached the position in which it was found .
2 The three best known examples of this were the sacred bulls : Apis , herald of Ptah at Memphis ; Mnevis , herald of Re at Heliopolis ; and Buchis , herald of Monthu at Armant .
3 After a while the whistle is repeated — by the same blackbird or by its mate — but always as if this were the first time it had occurred to him to whistle ; if this is a dialogue , each remark is uttered after long reflection .
4 He glanced at her , wondering if this were the first she had heard of the proposal .
5 She had clearly been a very good-looking woman when younger , and even now was handsome ; paradoxically , the artifices she employed to emphasise this were the very features to strike a false note .
6 Two schools which opened their doors to deaf children in the 1890s were the Royal Cross School , Preston , and the Hugh Bell School , Middlesbrough .
7 So popular were the proscribed celebrations that it proved quite impossible to eradicate them completely .
8 If we had a large enough sample of observations on Y t , X t and Z t we would expect a linear regression of Y t on X t and Z t to yield the result that the estimates of 1 and 22 were the same — except for sampling variation — if it really is true that .
9 You felt , like Victorine , that the French were the best .
10 The French were the first to object : they still had qualms about German rearmament .
11 Second , to obtain recognition , as French Foreign Minister Schuman put it in tripartite talks with the Americans and the British in September , 1949 , that the French were the hard core of resistance to communist attempts to take over , initially , Indo-China and ultimately all of Southeast Asia and that as France was fighting the battle of all the democratic powers she would need help .
12 Kazakhstan on Oct. 25 and Kirghizia on Oct. 30 were the last of the 15 union republics to issue sovereignty declarations .
13 Some were the direct result of campaigning by the Railway Development Society and the list is almost a tribute to it .
14 Perhaps the unemployed were the only people who did any work these days .
15 However , even more interesting were the large number of cells which seemed active only when the rat visited a particular place in the maze and/or carried out particular behavioural acts ( food searching , drinking or whatever ) in that place .
16 How they talked and sang and wrote and thought about it , as though union with another were the entire purpose of existence .
17 She was educated at home by a German governess ; then , after keeping house for her brothers , in 1886 she went to Newnham College , Cambridge , where she and another were the first women to gain first-class honours in the Cambridge moral sciences tripos in 1889 .
18 MIDNIGHT blue and brown were the other important colour trends , both combined with anthracite or even black for looks as sophisticated as this market ever dares to offer .
19 This was the classic showman speaking and on this occasion he was directing his remarks directly at those intellectuals whom his films had brought into cinemas for the first time .
20 This was the classic method of waging war .
21 This was the classic method of brainwashing , after all , used by interrogators , priests , and psychoanalysts alike .
22 This was the stark warning given by Professor David Harvey of Newcastle University , when he presented the first in a series of Northern Foods ' milk industry papers .
23 But this was the hanging gardens of Hampden Babylon , the land where agents rule , books do n't balance and credit cards are cut up in front of your eyes .
24 This was the best room , the Aladdin 's cave forbidden to all but his parents , the place where wondrous treasures were kept behind locked doors and heavily shuttered windows .
25 This was the best final for some years .
26 Mother and daughter conversed in a wary , detached manner , recognising that this was the best way to handle a potentially tricky situation .
27 However , this was the best we could do and we hope that the consequent errors are not too great .
28 I was angry as hell at the time and disappointed , too , for this was a strongly Labour-controlled council , but looking back now I realize that this was the best thing that could have happened to the group , for now we could present ourselves to the people of Rotherham as a genuine minority with a grievance .
29 He claims this was the best time of his life .
30 He claims this was the best time of his life .
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