Example sentences of "[adj] [was/were] [prep] fact " in BNC.

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31 If these were in fact 400 fully armed foot-soldiers , the subsequent narrative makes excellent sense .
32 Feminist sociologists ' arguments showed that ideas of ‘ masculinity ’ and ‘ femininity ’ which had been taken for granted as natural were in fact social in origin : these roles had to learned by young people .
33 Therefore the Australian move to make whaling more humane was in fact a move to get back to the way it had been after a serious deterioration .
34 This latter was in fact the fee farm of the borough , which had come to be permanently assigned to the earls of Salisbury , whose titles and possessions had been conferred on Margaret Pole , daughter of the duke of Clarence .
35 The Arterial Roads Conference for Greater London in 1913 was in fact a regional plan , but the link between transport , city planning and civic design remained imperfect both in principle and practice .
36 The overriding mission of the mid- and late 1970s was in fact to survive , to engage in the politics of remaining ‘ free-standing ’ , of amalgamation or extinction .
37 One of the crucial questions emerging for the CNAA during the 1970s was in fact the extent to which it could take initiatives as well as being responsive .
38 Professor Sawyer has argued that many of the small pre-Conquest landowners who appear from Domesday Book to be independent were in fact tenants of lords not named , and thus that lordship may have been more extensive than has sometimes been realised .
39 In the early 1980s , this view was attacked by Peter White in a controversial article which questioned whether the Elizabethan church was ever fully predestinarian , and went on to claim that the apparently religious conflicts within England in the late 1620s were in fact primarily caused by the pressures of international power politics rather than by theological differences .
40 The Conservatives ( returned in 1951 ) promised 300,000 houses a year and in 1953 319,000 were in fact built , followed by 348,000 the next year .
41 That was in fact the private view of Harold Nicolson , although he did not allow it to be expressed in his official biography of George V. In an unpublished section of his diaries , he writes of his interview with Queen Mary on 21 March 1949 , ‘ I talked to her about the 1931 crisis and said that I was convinced the King had been a determinant influence on that occasion , ‘ Yes certainly ; he certainly was , '
42 That was in fact now history having happened some four or five weeks ago .
43 I just wanted to check what the position of the old executive committee of the W R A D which been appointed , whether that was in fact erm , something that qualified for a full allowance .
44 Yes I learned that was in fact known to Mr .
45 that 's bad news yes , that was in fact the bad news , yes , and that 's what I think what did a couple of them
46 In their capacity as the Society 's ‘ Printers ’ ( neither was in fact a printer himself ) Martyn and Allestry played an important role in the establishment of experimental philosophy , publishing such key works as the Micrographia ( 1665 ) of Robert Hooke [ q.v. ] and the History of the Royal Society ( 1667 ) by Thomas Sprat [ q.v . ] .
47 The 1980s were in fact an extremely busy period for tanker owners — partly because of the boom in orthodox calls for shipping , partly because of the development of unusual kinds of employment .
48 The Balkan Christians were placed within the millet-i-Rum , no distinction being made between Orthodox and Roman Catholic believers — most were in fact Orthodox .
49 Now you get the health problems caused by over tight corseting , which led to constriction of lungs , of ribs , in some cases , punctured lungs , a lot of cases of T B in the eighteen forties were in fact where the corset had compressed the ribs so tightly , that they 'd actually punctured the lung .
50 It may be noted that the outturn figure for the growth of M3 in 1980–81 was in fact 20.1 per cent and the corresponding figure for the PSBR as a percentage of GDP came out at 5.75 per cent .
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