Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] have any " in BNC.

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1 If it receives one about a member who is a partner in a firm of registered auditors , a copy of the complainant 's letter is sent to the ARC , which will consider whether this should have any effect on the firm 's continued registration .
2 Four months after the People 's Liberation Army stormed central Peking with the loss of hundreds of lives , few can have any doubt about the party 's determination to enforce this Maoist maxim .
3 She had no idea of how these patterns were formed in Japan , nor why the Japanese should have any interest in her paper , or in Karl Auerbach 's , or Gertrude Feinstein 's .
4 The wide scope of the tests imposes a heavy administrative burden on the Office of Fair Trading ( OFT ) as , although many agreements are registrable , few of these may have any real adverse effect on competition .
5 He was n't trading on his name ; he did n't think that that would have any particular influence .
6 Thus out of the middle only 27 will have any chance of getting into the top flight and then only into the second round of the Pilkington Cup .
7 Yes thank you Chairman erm I think important question very similar question I think we 're we 're all wondering whether the changed landscape of West Sussex , the changed use of West Sussex has had any influence on the flooding and as the County Council has pointed out worst amount of rain we 've had for about seventy years or so I think it 's very useful and important er to ask questions an and when this crisis is over we reflect on what we can learn from it , but I must bear in mind that it is first and foremost extraordinary climatic conditions which have caused these problems and that in itself of course might have implications erm the whole of global warming does tend to come to mind when you see what 's happening in Australia as well as what 's happening here erm that 's certainly not anything that agencies great or small can have any control over .
8 Ipuky must have read his thought in his eyes , for he quickly qualified what he had said by adding , ‘ I do not see how that can have any bearing on who killed Iritnefert .
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