Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is little to see of the Potteries at Fenton other than relatively modern factories , but a couple of bottle ovens , now rather rare ( see Longton ) survive near King Street .
2 The death certificates will not read — ‘ victim of an industrial dispute ’ or ‘ death due to neglect of the National Health Service ’ .
3 Winch 's contention is that to conceive of the relation of an act to the person who acts in terms of the Kantian maxim ‘ acting for the sake of duty ’ is mistaken since ‘ there is no general kind of behaviour of which we have to say that it is good without qualification ’ .
4 The significance of the allusion to Freud in this famous passage is to suggest that to conceive of the economic as operating in isolation is as illusory as to imagine that the ego can operate without the unconscious : they are both the reciprocal products of the other .
5 One of the major purposes of this book is to show that there is much in psychoanalytic theory and practice which is social , and that to conceive of the theory as being only about individuals is to misunderstand and misinterpret it .
6 Although there had been a long established tradition of community and private forestry schemes , it was not until the launching of the Saemol Undong ( or New Community Movement ) in 1970 that it was possible to conceive of a nation-wide forestry policy and programme .
7 The advent of the new political regime changed this ; for the first time it was possible to conceive of a legal order which rested on a basis different from that of the civil law .
8 Whilst it is not possible to conceive of a designing system which can take into account influences which are beyond the designer 's knowledge and comprehension , it is possible to generate a fundamental design procedure in which all relationships , known to the designer , are " captured " and tested for .
9 Since it was of relatively minor importance to whom the words for setting up a trust were addressed , it was possible to conceive of the trust as inhering in certain property in the estate , and therefore of the recipient of that property as automatically in the position of trustee for the intended beneficiary .
10 Not only did it make it possible to conceive of the settlement , a succession of trusts , where a trust was set up in favour of a beneficiary who was himself charged with a trust in favour of a further beneficiary , but it also allowed trusts to be set up on intestacy , which led to the growth of an advanced system of property disposition on death which had absolutely no connection with a will .
11 Parents will be interested to know of the sort of records that will be kept on their children .
12 As epistemic breaks go , however , it seems to be a slow one : Foucault attributes its hesitancy to a fundamental reluctance to think difference rather than the reassuring form of the identical : it is , he comments , ‘ as if we were afraid to conceive of the Other in the time of our own thought ’ .
13 At a time when the problems of war and , later , unemployment were national priorities , it would be fallacious to talk of the existence of a ‘ poverty lobby ’ , operating on a broad front and according equal status to all disadvantaged groups .
14 The grammatical similarity of this to talk of a person feeling , say a pin in his foot might lead one to suppose that pains are in parts of one 's body in the same way as pins , wounds and broken bones , are in parts of one 's body ; that is , that they differ from these latter only in being invisible , intangible , and so on : they are the proper objects of the sense of pain .
15 Certainly the French farmers were very interested to hear of the Agricultural Training Board and indicated a wish for more local practical training .
16 She was unduly prone to use of the royal ‘ we ’ .
17 Thank you for the recent newsletter from Convocation ; it is always interesting to read of the changes and developments taking place .
18 Lakes and Mountain holidays are very different to run of the mill summer holidays .
19 IT WAS heartening to read of the bosses who cut their own pay to help their business survive .
20 It is , however , wrong to think of the Prime Minister as having absolute power .
21 It is so much easier to think of the so-called four skills !
22 In discussions about ‘ choice ’ , for instance , it would thus have been unrealistic to think of the number of alternative daily papers as growing from nine in 1945 to twelve in 1990 .
23 As the hon. Gentleman and I both have constituencies in the city of Oxford , I was interested to learn of the comparatively recent endeavours to introduce motor projects there .
24 IWM 's Bevis Griffiths supervised the conservation work on the Firefly , and had this to say of the professional/volunteer team used to restore Z2033 : ‘ The Museum require volunteers for this sort of work because we have some seventy aircraft here at Duxford and six [ full-time ] technicians to look after them , which in anybody 's book is a huge workload , so we work alongside the volunteers .
25 Asked if the Clinton administration would put pressure on Israel to solve the deportees crisis , Mr Christopher said : ‘ It would be wrong to speak of an honest broker and putting pressure on any of the parties .
26 Tempting as it is , it is positively wrong to speak of the genes for the six enzymes of pathway 2 being selected ‘ as a group ’ .
27 In this case it is wrong to speak of the wording of the trust as being free ; the point is instead that it is possible to construe a trust in order to validate a disposition , for their existence or non-existence is not attested purely by the use or non-use of certain forms .
28 This led some to speak of a ‘ natural religion ’ implanted in the human heart and necessary to human well-being .
29 Although anti-abortionists would maintain that it is morally wrong to dispose of a child even if it will live no longer than a week at the most , many more people doubt the right of a mother to dispose of a child with Down 's Syndrome who stands a very good chance of living a lengthy life .
30 Others , however , think it proper to speak of the intention of Parliament , in the sense of ‘ the meaning which Parliament must have intended the words to convey . ’
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