Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] i [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Your mother bought you out and with that money you are willing to buy me out ? ’
2 Peace Corps was willing to send me off to Honduras , but I did n't feel right about it .
3 " You mean , he 'd be willing to take me back , afterwards ? "
4 The patrol probably was n't looking for me — there were too many fugitives in Chinatown to concentrate on just one — but they 'd be more than willing to take me in if they tripped over me .
5 I need someone who 's prepared to follow me around , to think along my lines and , in time , to anticipate my needs .
6 ‘ I know you 're glad to see me back , ’ said Thorfinn .
7 " And Jenny 's too ill to pick me up ? "
8 You usually do your darnedest to talk me out of getting involved in this sort of thing . ’
9 was supposed to pick me up from work , okay ?
10 ‘ And are you supposed to get me out of here ? ’ he asked , sardonically .
11 Tom and Brian saw that I was down and worked very hard to bring me back up .
12 Helen said , after some thought : " I think you 're just saying that to cheer me up .
13 ‘ You 're just saying that to shut me up .
14 felt too tired to drive me on to ESF 's house , so I got there by bus , or rather by two buses ( an easy change ) , the first starting from about a hundred yards from and the other stopping just behind the Zoo by Primrose Hill and only a few minutes from Eduardo .
15 You go to all the trouble of finding me a bed in a night shelter and you then get me so drunk they 'll refuse point-blank to let me in ! ’
16 ‘ If I was he would be rather stupid to tuck me up here so close to him . ’
17 When they finally found me it was too late to get me out , because everything stops at 5.00pm the day before the Parade .
18 He would not be able to drive me around , not this time .
19 Although in the early days Derek was happy to drive me around and did n't even charge me for the petrol , pretty soon our visits here and there grew so frequent and far afield that he was finding himself quite a bit out of pocket .
20 ‘ I am just eternally grateful that ITN were able to accept me back . ’
21 He was a young er man er who was just er a young boy , he was promoting records and trying to get into the business and , and er he remembered me well , and when they found out that I was n't easy to , to reach , no-one knew where I was , he was able to track me down and when he told me that er I had this big hit record , I thought it was someone playing a joke on me , because here in America , they have a television show called The Blue Bird , where they play jokes on people and , and tell them things , and then they videotape you and then there 's a funny reaction that this is a big television show .
22 Do you know of a reputable dress hire shop in my area who will be able to kit me out ?
23 Somehow I must get up the Library steps , for if I can get in there before they reach me , they wo n't be able to duff me in .
24 For nearly two years , Shanti was reluctant to let me out of her sight , and would follow me from room to room , into the bathroom , wherever it might be .
25 By this time it was approaching midnight and when I got back to camp and rang Bomber Command the duty officer was most reluctant to put me through to " Bomber " Harris .
26 In spite of my difficulties , all the officers and men showed great kindness and patience ; except for one Australian officer who did not disguise the fact that he would have been only too happy to send me back to where I had come from .
27 But if I can just go back to where we were talking earlier erm and I asked you about anybody that you may be able to refer me on
28 ‘ Why is it so important to get me back in your rotten little Church , Quiggers ? ’
29 I used to be scared of the possibility that one day mum would n't be able to get me up .
30 ‘ They will not be able to get me out ’ .
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