Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the ignominious collapse of the grand scheme the two separated , each to accommodate itself to the developing capitalist system , each to find its own way forward within the system and as part of it .
2 The outer leaves are very important for the effect of the painting , especially against the sky , whereas it is possible to lose myself in the inner masses to some extent .
3 The sharing of genes means that it is possible to sacrifice myself for my sister in such a way that , even if I die in the process , a proportion of my genes will survive in the next generation .
4 Through this it is possible to orient oneself amidst the various schools and to make sense of the anonymous drawings , which constitute the majority . ’
5 Far away we can hear the noise of the wind forcing its way up some narrow gully then bursting free to hurl itself across the plateau we crossed yesterday .
6 Of the latter he wrote , ‘ Lucas van Leyden is an artist of frailer calibre than Dürer , and prone to lose himself in imitation of stronger men , each of his contemporaries in turn dominating his style . ’
7 The vast waiting lists of the local authorities , as well as the existing local authority houses , contain large numbers of families who , with private enterprise building again at the rate and real cost of the 1930s , would be both able and willing to accommodate themselves at economic rents or prices .
8 It was his passionate conviction that sarvodaya , which might be regarded as a practical expression of Truth , could only be effected by means of ahi sā , and the votary of ahi sā would be prepared to sacrifice himself in order to realize this ideal .
9 While being called matapang is taken as a compliment among Tagalog-speaking lowlanders , it describes fierce or dangerous men , ready to fight without regard to personal danger , rather than those willing to risk themselves for others .
10 He had ever favoured Em — there were no two ways about it — and Em had been quite wrong to post herself to Norfolk in the first place .
11 Paper circulates today in vast quantities , and you need only to retrieve some of this to provide yourself with an adequate body of notes at no cost at all .
12 Mr Attlee was careful to position himself with the majority view in Cabinet .
13 MORAL panic is one of the more enduring items on the domestic cultural menu and in a month of fatal stabbings , horrific child murder and economic gloom , society seems once again all too willing to frighten itself to death .
14 One of the main problems in banking is that banks have not been free to establish themselves in other member states — the technical phrase which applies here is the Right of Establishment .
15 This left Lady Arran free to fortify herself with a large tot of rum .
16 They gave even better against the paramilitary organisations and political groupings of the majority British population which is as instinctively law-abiding as that of any other part of the United Kingdom and probably even quicker to disassociate itself from senseless or politically motivated violence .
17 For the most part these arose from the almost heedless manner in which Christians were prepared to identify themselves with the dominant values of secular Roman society .
18 Allowing the child to muck about , or does it mean free to express himself in his own childlike way , and not ape the adult 's way .
19 In other words they usually , ‘ dance classically from their feet to the waist and above that are free to express themselves as people of more definite behaviour , work , play and age ’ ( de Valois in a lecture to teachers , 1947 ) .
20 Charlie should have known the shysters when he saw them — but too often he was willing to identify himself with the craw-thumping brigade , allowing them to subvert his better , progressive instincts .
21 Rose , with the same tact as she had brought them to the house , was careful to absent herself from these occasions as much as possible .
22 What is quite clear is that after the death of Lanfranc the English monks felt free to assert themselves in ways that would have been impossible while Lanfranc lived .
23 In the first year it had been careful to disassociate itself from the truck-driver 's pin-up image by boasting of the high social and business standing of its readers … ‘ seven corporation presidents , fourteen vice-presidents , psychiatrists , a mortician and three embalmers ’ were listed among the first subscribers .
24 For instance , I can not actively engage with a book unless I am mentally free to give myself to it — if my mind is on other practical affairs while I am reading or if my reading competence is inadequate then I shall not be able to submit to the experience .
25 But she could find a job and a furnished flat , and then she 'd be free , free to give herself to Nicolo as his lover …
26 Further , with a little prompting ( i.e. respondents presented with a standard list of classes and asked to place themselves ) the overwhelming majority of respondents were willing to assign themselves to the ‘ middle ’ or ‘ working ’ classes or some sub-division of these .
27 Anyone who was prepared to submit himself to a debtors ' prison for a token period could apply from The Fleet or the Marshalsea for the help of the Insolvent Debtors Court .
28 Simon is portrayed as a Christ figure here , willing to give himself for other 's sins .
29 Until you 're willing to give yourself with them , I do n't want any part of either ! ’
30 Obviously some misshapen warped creation like Alex ; shame flushed heat all through her that she had been willing to give herself to some disgusting pervert .
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