Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [adv] and " in BNC.

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1 Laura was due to go over and stay with them in September .
2 We employ an elderly book-keeper who is due to retire soon and I am concerned about getting someone to replace her as the books that she is keeping appear quite complicated .
3 Her husband was due to retire then and they had decided that they would both give up work at the same time .
4 I am sorry it took place but I promise you it would be wisest to go home and forget it . ’
5 If we live in a free society we can not carry out experiments on the real world so it would not be possible to go ahead and build the road just to see what would happen .
6 If you make a mistake , it 's just not possible to go back and retrieve it , and for a selector to say , ‘ Well , I do n't think this person 's made a very good case , I 'm sure if we gave them another chance they would make a better one . ’
7 Gilt ceilings and old silver certainly make it different from the usual run of East European cafés and on a warm early evening it is pleasant to sit outside and watch and chatter .
8 If two woman in a relationship want to have a child then there is the technology to have a child that 's their right to go ahead and have one .
9 An artist can never have seen too much , read too much , and even if the time is right for a fallow period , then that is exactly when it is also right to go out and see , read , feel , as deeply as possible .
10 In fact he had lost his nerve and was too shy to go up and knock on the door .
11 Sorry to go on and on about this backing up business , but it 's much better to do it than to end up losing information ( and I write as someone who has done just that in the past ; of course I 'm perfect now ) .
12 They should , however , be informed by principles and insights drawn from linguistics — for example , the idea that language in all its diversity can be approached in a non-prescriptive , non-judgmental way and that it is possible to treat systematically and objectively an aspect of human life which is often the focus of emotive and prejudiced reactions .
13 Obviously we did n't , he can get a third when we can only get , when there were only two of us because there were n't enough , enough threes to go round and I mean
14 I hope I can encourage the uninitiated to go out and treat themselves to several for their Christmas stocking as well as see the value of videos as a valid support technique during the long winter evenings ahead .
15 With images of picket-line strife , the broadcast warned : ‘ The last thing we need now is for Labour to come in and wreck Britain 's recovery . ’
16 In June , the bishops are due to meet again and are likely to publish more detailed guidance on the new arrangements .
17 It took several months for that to come home and safe .
18 We would all , I suppose , recognize that to write well and appropriately requires a grammatical sense ( as well as a certain number of other abilities ) .
19 Unlike modern tape systems , it was possible to jump backwards and play a word again quickly if it was n't clear .
20 Both single people and married couples may feel a sense of frustration as the years in which they had planned to be more free to go out and about , and less restricted financially , are circumscribed by the demands of caring .
21 Mr I assume it 's are they free to go out and use firearms ?
22 Free to go in and look round , I do n't think it 's open
23 This will make it easier to remain upright and avoid being pushed over .
24 So I said , ‘ Well , if that 's the case , I 'm going straight to the President/Prime Minister/ Foreign Secretary/First Lord , etc. , to say So-and-So wo n't do what I ask , so I 'm not prepared to carry on and here 's my resignation . ' ’
25 I 'll have been feeling in a different way when I 've painted something three months ago , so it would be wrong to go back and work on it again .
26 But , what we would say to you I think this morning , Chair , is that in your officers ' view erm , yes , we think it is sensible to go forward and manage on the basis of five hundred thousand pounds addition towards that shortfall , we become increasingly nervous if that five hundred thousand pounds is reduced , and because of the uncertainty , again later in the papers you will see still have some contingencies that you could use from savings in previous years , and we will be strongly recommending to you that you retain some of those contingencies because of the uncertainty that still attaches to demands in the community care grants .
27 Okay are you willing to go away and
28 You referred frequently to how well you know and the village , so I am sure she will , subject to your approach , be willing to go in and switch on a convector in each of the two rooms and read the meter .
29 It feels the unit would be better off in a company willing to invest in and grow that line of business — it says it does not have the resources to devote to an operation that is outside its core business .
30 Clearly with greater parity between the sexes the rather traditional view painted here of women afraid to go out and men afraid to go home may be less typical , but the main point remains .
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