Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] well have " in BNC.

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1 However , I never tried to get professional help , and that may well have been a mistake .
2 But on the contrary , this world of ‘ it was rumoured ’ and ‘ that may well have been so ’ followed at once by ‘ it is more likely that nothing of the sort happened ’ — again in the opening paragraphs — is as exhilarating as the challenge of life 's opacities to a healthy curiosity .
3 ‘ If you mean he liked men as well as women , I think that may well have been true , ’ said Mrs Baggley robustly .
4 But there has that happened since that may well have changed all . ’
5 As for the certificate system whereby a parish acknowledged its responsibility to relieve holders who became chargeable while working in other parishes , that may well have helped industrial employers for they received the labour while the risk of having to relieve in cases of unemployment or sickness was underwritten by the parish of settlement .
6 Some may well have had their fears .
7 As Philippe de Mézières wrote in the late fourteenth century , some may well have come from those members of the lower nobility who did not normally go to war except when summoned by the king , but who , in certain cases , were now being forced to take up arms as a business .
8 This may well have been a contributory factor in the prevalence of death in child-birth .
9 This may well have been the case in September 1987 but I thought most reviewers were scared to dive in and uncover the record 's moments of uncoordinated parody for fear of being trampled to death by hordes of rampant Smiths devotees .
10 As this may well have occurred millenniums before that dawning power could produce an act of a nature that would leave the kind of evidence that archaeologists seek , then it must be that the true dawn is virtually undatable .
11 In the ancient world slaves had been most commonly used as domestic servants and artisans , and this may well have continued to be true in the Middle Ages .
12 This may well have been the aircraft seen to crash , and although Kennett and Waghorn were credited posthumously with a Ju88 probably destroyed , this could well have been their victim , no Ju88s being reported missing on this date .
13 This may well have been the aircraft attacked by Westmacott .
14 4/St.G 1 reported that one of its Ju87s crash-landed at Comiso suffering 70% damage , and this may well have been the victim of their attack .
15 This may well have provided relief and reassurance to those many antislavery people who were at the respectable fringes rather than the centre of religious , social and political power as well as for different and obvious reasons those who were closer to the centre .
16 This may well have saved the new Bulgaria .
17 Halphen , who edited the text , believed that here the author was drawing on a vernacular epic ; this may well have been so , for in the late eleventh-century manuscript of the Song of Roland , Geoffrey featured as Charlemagne 's standard-bearer .
18 The situation in the Gouriet case was a politically sensitive one and this may well have justified the court 's refusal in that case to review the Attorney-General 's decision , but it is not clear that such refusal would be justified in every case .
19 This may well have been produced in Venice , and it demonstrates how the idiom of Leonardo most probably became known to Venetian collectors and artists .
20 Strip examination revealed that this was the result of slight corrosion on the contacts , and the evidence suggested that this may well have been present at the time of the accident .
21 From this may well have followed the whole highly undesirable evolution of British politics in the thirties .
22 It is certainly true that many of the by-roads in an area such as this may well have been used in Roman times though it is difficult to prove .
23 Now all of this may well have made no difference to the final result ; the courts reading of the facts may have led them to the same conclusion whatever the meanings given to reasonable and unreasonable .
24 This may well have had a bearing on Washington 's decision later in the year to send out the hostage intelligence team , headed by Major Charles McKee of the DIA , who died in the bombing of Flight 103 .
25 This may well have contributed to the feeling that the UK was overtaxed , despite the fact that this is contradicted by the evidence ( see Table 16.5 below ) .
26 This may well have been due to the satisfaction he had been deriving from the composition of East Coker , though he made no mention to me of the new poem .
27 This may well have been of benefit to individuals , but school board members were very conscious of their role as representatives of parents and the local community .
28 As we shall see , this may well have been politically motivated to the extent that the relics of the archbishop so recently and brutally murdered by Cnut 's countrymen were perhaps serving as a rallying point for discontent in the city .
29 This may well have been the intention , but in fact the implications are clear : demolition rates are too low , compulsory purchase of homes for redevelopment is inevitable in the future ; owner-occupiers can not be trusted to be the final arbiters of whether their homes arc unfit' ; and some existing environments may be so drab as to be not worth preserving' .
30 His features were regular , rather ordinary , though some might well have thought him handsome .
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