Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] [vb infin] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , police insured with MMI may end up paying compensation for the Hillsborough disaster .
2 Each may handle up to 2,000 applications from the Polytechnics Central Admissions System ( PCAS ) in a year and is responsible for counselling a proportion of Stage I students .
3 That may go down well with some Euro-sceptics among Conservative Members , but it infuriates our partners and reduces our influence in the Community , as I know only too well .
4 It fears that may rule out anyone planning to stay with relatives or friends .
5 That may turn out to be the case as the likes of Ferrari , Williams-Renault and Benetton-Ford get into their stride later in the season , but on the streets of Phoenix , Senna had no trouble in scoring his 27th win .
6 Wayne Clark , SNA architect with Cisco Systems commented that ‘ there will always be customers who go with APPN just because they 're IBM users ’ — but that may turn out to be a dated view : even IBM these days concedes that it is no longer in a position to dictate standards in the brave new world of open systems .
7 Whether or not the Drop Nineteens should wake up and smell the coffee , the dogshit in the streets and the rest of the real world , is hard to say .
8 When the content of the advertisement has been confirmed and the advertisement initialled , MAS should carry out the last three steps shown for ‘ Placing a Business Opportunity advertisement by KPMG on behalf of a client ’ outlined below .
9 Then he said : ‘ That must come off . ’
10 Okay , so they 've other P H I benefit , that must come off of the equation , because we , otherwise we 'll be paying it as well as another insurance company , which mean he 'll be better off financially , by being off work sick , yes .
11 The shaikh complained that he had to leave in a hurry ; his opposite number had left by plane , and he had to drive urgently to Kufra for it was essential that as many people as possible should turn up , to emphasize the seriousness of the affair .
12 But I 'm told on this day , May thirteenth , thirty seven years ago , and that should bring back a lot of memories for many of you , the Three-Ninetieth flew its hundred and fifth combat mission from this station and many of you remember that day .
13 On a similar US-style deal , commissions might be only 0.325 per cent but most of that should end up with the banks .
14 Th that should carry on but them , them batteries is n't any good .
15 That should go through , but er it 's a question of when it 's going to be though .
16 Hopefully he 's halfway through it with erm erm so that should come up .
17 He believed he should come across someone who should want his skills — he was an incurable optimist , and imagined a fortunate meeting around every corner , though how that should come about was hard to see , as he advanced farther and farther into the dark , dense trees , where even the moonlight was split into dull little needles of bluish light on the moss , not enough to see by .
18 round the hoop , well that should come back up .
19 All the rest can stand — though some may drop out , to help a better-placed ally — in a second vote a week later .
20 Status . — Scarce but regular winter visitor ; a very few may pass through on passage .
21 Although a few may take up to a week of daily feeding with the culprit food before they respond , this is probably fairly unusual .
22 A few may turn out to be heroes as well , but a few is all you need ; for the rest , what matters is biting down and holding on .
23 This may dredge up long-buried , uncomfortable emotions about his own childhood .
24 Nevertheless , it is possible that if in the manager-owner contract nexus the manager bears little risk , this may spill over into a lack of control over employees .
25 Geographically , this may bring in the concept of relative location , for instance , the distance in travel time between the corporate headquarters and a branch factory .
26 This may bring about degeneration of standards either through communication failures or because succeeding team members lack the pioneering zeal of the original staff .
27 Secondly , disused flues must be ventilated at top and bottom ; if they are not , condensation can occur within the flue and this may show up as damp patches on chimney breasts .
28 If the relationship is mildly curvy , or if the spread of the Y values is not constant for all X values , this may stand out more clearly in the plot of residual Y versus fitted Y than in the original scatterplot .
29 This may go on for some time , Christina , and could get very complicated .
30 He says time may be running out — it has run out for alot … this may go on for several more years — we have n't go several more years .
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