Example sentences of "[adj] [v-ing] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When 4095 such charge/discharge cycles have been counted the two outputs , pin 2 and pin 3 , change state — pin 2 going from low to high and pin 3 from high to low .
2 Many of these ranging from simple algae to complex flowering plants are displayed
3 Despite fine playing from Hurt and Christine Lahti as his wife , Jack 's conversion to a caring attitude seems a shade pat .
4 Whatever , there was a major gathering of old and new , among them the Canadian Brian Stemmle , Switzerland 's 1987 world champion Peter Mueller , Austria 's Armin Assinger and Italy 's Michael Mair , all returning from serious injury .
5 There is an uncertainty in the sense that we today observe the universe to be in a state of expansion , that is the most distant galaxies and clusters and galaxies are all receding from one another at a high speed , which actually increases as you look farther and farther away from us .
6 The idea can also be used to explain the fact that the galaxies are all receding from each other because , just like the Big Bang , the ‘ Little Bangs ’ create not space ( and trivia like matter and energy but spacetime .
7 At the University of Pittsburgh , Caruso developed the CAI TRAINER , which is used to teach online searching , by means of simulated searching from three files .
8 This wrist model I tried was designed for air diving and programmed with the Bühlmann ZHL12 algorithm with automatic ranging from 3,500 metres above sea level to 100 metres depth .
9 erm they 're all starting from new .
10 The whole of this area is a maelstrom of medical ‘ meteorites ’ , all coming from different directions .
11 The LNA forwarded to Asquith nearly three hundred resolutions in favour of the bill , with over seventy coming from feminist organizations .
12 I think that 's what was great about the Scottish explosion , we were all taking from each other , we were all in each other 's studios and there was a real community .
13 I think that 's what was great about the Scottish explosion , we were all taking from each other , we were all in each other 's studios and there was a real community .
14 We consider some of the forms this can take , distinguishing seasonal , temporary or casual working from fixed contract working , self-employed and agency supplied temporary workers from those who are directly employed , and full-time temporary workers from part-time temporary workers .
15 After all , we ca n't 'ave a nice lady like you takin' a good 'idin' from that ‘ usband o' yours , now can we ? ’
16 that coming from that way you say and er , there 's normally a few spaces this time of day , well up the road there 's and I thought
17 He continues , instead , to insist on the existence of a ‘ real ’ distinction between scientific and mythological deriving from that between literate and non-literate .
18 The number of contracts undertaken each year is approaching 10,000 deriving from thousands of customers in 50 countries , but 14 top customers in the UK and Europe still account for 70% of all business sales .
19 Scientists are studying ex-smokers , people with depression , athletes and those recovering from prolonged illness in an attempt to sort out the complicated physical and psychological cues which lead us to crave specific foods .
20 Prism has worked with a very wide variety of groups including the elderly , people with learning difficulties or physical handicap , those recovering from mental illness and those who care for and enable groups who are returning to the community .
21 Every District General Hospital should provide rehabilitation facilities for its coronary patients , be it those recovering from acute infarction or those who have had coronary artery surgery or angioplasty .
22 The theme will be tranquilliser addiction and the many problems experienced by those affected and those recovering from this addiction .
23 People who died of cancer were less likely than those dying from other causes to have been in such homes , 7 per cent against 29 per cent .
24 Furthermore , in 1648 it passed a restrictive Blasphemy Act , which threatened those convicted of denying the central tenets of Christianity with death , and those dissenting from orthodox Calvinist theology with imprisonment .
25 In May 1927 , 25 cars were sold to T. W. Ward & Co. for scrapping and are thought to have included most of those remaining from this batch .
26 Between 1961 and 1971 the population census recorded an increase of 1700000 in the rural population , and although some of this was accounted for by contiguous urban development spilling over the boundaries of surrounding Rural Districts , there is little doubt that the population pressures on most of rural England are now those of increasing demand rather than those resulting from rural depopulation .
27 We guarantee that the price of your holiday will not be subject to any surcharges except for those resulting from Governmental action .
28 Conklin ( 1977 : 4 ) estimates that in 1977 these four offences in the USA accounted for between $3–4 billions compared with the annual loss of around $40 billions resulting from various white-collar crime , of which consumer fraud , illegal competition , and deceptive practices account for at least half .
29 Turning now to middle levels of cultural control , in this case to the Smolensk guberniia offices and then to Roslavl' , our chosen locality , it is clear that fresh unorthodoxies were apt to creep in below and beyond those emanating from private central sources .
30 Even in going concerns , the ghosts come back to haunt you through the flotsam of old files and folders , especially those emanating from some long-forgotten ‘ project ’ .
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