Example sentences of "[adj] [vb mod] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 That should concentrate their mind on the need to give any affected party the opportunity to make submission on any such departure and also to facilitate the communication of the nature of the departure to the affected party .
2 Some may change their status from ‘ visiting scholar ’ with a year 's stay to Ph.D .
3 However , some may change their behaviour , some may want to talk and others wo n't .
4 Some may find their way to suburban , provincial , or country destinations .
5 Some may donate their carefully assembled collections to the museums .
6 Some may put their heads inside a plastic bag .
7 Many patients with Type 2 diabetes retain some degree of endogenous insulin production , and this may explain their tendency to have more stable blood glucose levels in contrast to patients with Type I diabetes .
8 This may explain their slightly higher ages in unskilled manual and retail occupations .
9 This may involve their being invited to serve on committees and , certainly in the case of a salaried partner appointed with a view to full partnership , attendance at partners ' meetings .
10 So far we have reported Afro-Caribbean pupils ' perception of the attitudes held by certain teachers and how this may influence their behaviour .
11 Retroviral particles displaying antibodies against cell surface antigens should bind preferentially to target cells expressing those antigens , and this may facilitate their infection .
12 The danger in quoting fragments of their writings out of context is that this may distort their intention and produce a static picture .
13 This may affect their autonomy at least in terms of overall policy .
14 Many people do not use these resonators fully , and this may cause their throat to feel strained and their tone of voice to sound thin and forced .
15 Publicizing this may undermine their legitimacy , an outcome they would want to avoid .
16 But it is possible that unemployment may push people to the political margins and this may deepen their social isolation .
17 The French may have their fancy patisseries , but give me an English pudding any day .
18 Transferring these animals from one shore to another may change their shell colour .
19 Lenders themselves , just as borrowers do , have a lot to gain from insurance against the risk of unemployment or illness , in that this should reduce their own bad-debt or late-payment costs ( and so perhaps reduce interest rates too ) .
20 So if the French do not forget , the British should remember their scientists too .
21 Thus , many users prefer to stay hidden regardless of the problems that this might cause their families or themselves .
22 Fighting went on in New France for another twelve months , but after the fall of Quebec this was more a matter of moving forces over long distances than of confronting threats that the French might retrieve their position .
23 The opening up of BBC and ITV to independent producers and the ending of closed shops is already undermining the power of those who work within broadcasting : this could affect their ability to influence content , and also the training and employment practices of the broadcasting institutions .
24 Until the mid 1950s , however , Soviet leaders were reluctant to engage in blanket denunciations of military bases since this could complicate their own policy in Eastern Europe .
25 In most of Africa and Asia the British could justify their presence in terms of the white man 's burden : there was work to do , and justice to be done .
26 This was something which the English would do their utmost to prevent happening .
27 Meanwhile , the Whips pursued the government in the hope of catching them out in a snap vote ; at the least this would disrupt their progress and there seemed an outside chance that the government would tire of the interminable pressure and throw in the sponge .
28 This would reinforce their belief in the need to help the latter group of newspapers rather than simply leaving them to market forces .
29 If their roles as housewives in general and mothers in particular are emphasised in social policy to the exclusion of consideration of their other roles , then this would reinforce their marginality in the labour market both ideologically and materially .
30 If they do so , however , this would put their own nationals at a competitive disadvantage .
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