Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] its [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was only by using the telephoto lens that I was able to take its picture — and it was much prettier than its mother anyway .
2 She had a heart-shaped face , of striking , creamy smoothness , and broader than its length from brow to chin , like the bright , intelligent countenance of a young cat , innocent , assured and inquisitive .
3 France 's new government has hinted it will be more willing than its predecessor to accept freer farm trade , along the lines agreed abortively between the EC and America late last year , but so far there have been only hints .
4 In other instances either the adverb or the adjective may apparently be ungrammatical although its counterpart is fully acceptable : ( 55 ) many cats seem intelligently ( 56 ) the old stationmaster winked outrageous
5 Nothing distinguishes one community more sharply from another than its beliefs concerning the meaning of life , the position of men in the universe , and the ultimate significance of affliction and suffering .
6 It stands as the view that an action is wrong if its consequences , in terms of pain promoted and pleasure prevented , outweigh its consequences in terms of pleasure promoted and pain prevented , and that other actions are right , even if not the best possible .
7 But wherever it comes from , the theory needs to be made explicit and public if its relevance to pedagogy is to be effectively assessed .
8 A system is linear if its output is an undistorted representation of its input .
9 Mercifully , he was wrong , but despite everything that is being done to protect this greatest of predators , it is very doubtful if its lease of life in the wild can be extended very much longer .
10 It is doubtful if its situation has improved since then .
11 No object can qualify as a possible ontological existent if its notion gives rise to a contradiction .
12 You may substitute another if its cover for watersports and sailing is equivalent or better .
13 These guitars represent total design philosophies , not marketing exercises where a manufacturer or ad agency has tried to hoodwink us into believing the instrument really is different because its headstock is slightly more rounded than the Ibanez — or whatever other triviality they 've come up with that month .
14 It will of course anger some because its concentration on problems implicitly denies the possibility of good financial reporting .
15 Sir William Hildred , who as Director-General at the new Ministry of Civil Aviation was Britain 's senior civil servant in charge of aviation , told a meeting in September 1945 that he had lost interest in the Bristol 167 because its undercarriage width of 93 feet was wider than any runway then in existence , and two prototypes were estimated to cost £7 million .
16 A medium dry white French wine which has proved very popular since its introduction as an extension to the Eisberg range .
17 Similarly , the liturgy of the eucharist outlined in the 1549 Prayer Book was consistent with a belief in consubstantiation , although it is doubtful whether its author , Cranmer , either fully understood or shared Luther 's eucharistic views .
18 Fuji Xerox Co Ltd plans to increase imports of parts to take advantage of the high yen in order to cut domestic production costs , Reuter reports from Tokyo : in the long term , it plans to raise the ratio to 30% from just a few per cent but the company is not rushing to achieve this as its export ratio of total products is low at around 20% and the high value of the yen is not severely damaging business .
19 The demonstrations were the largest since the start of hostilities in July 1991 , but observers noted that the turnouts were not as high as its organizers had hoped .
20 For some products , its manufacturing cost was as high as its competitors ' selling price .
21 The Soviet Union edged closer to this when its delegate at the international human rights conference in Paris this summer said of Wallenberg : ‘ His fate , like that of thousands of others , is unknown , as are the circumstances surrounding it …
22 ‘ Pleasures Of The Flesh ’ , however , is a clichéd as its title , though the simple paste-up and repeat style of ‘ Shotguns ’ and ‘ Secret Is Sickness ’ ( with its background of baying hounds ) restore the mild hysteria .
23 ‘ Pleasures Of The Flesh ’ , however , is a clichéd as its title , though the simple paste-up and repeat style of ‘ Shotguns ’ and ‘ Secret Is Sickness ’ ( with its background of baying hounds ) restore the mild hysteria .
24 Fighting spread to Mostar which Croatian forces took on Oct. 25 and proclaimed capital of the Croatian Community of Herceg-Bosne [ see p. 39103 ] , with Boban as its president .
25 In France the Third Republic inherited from the old monarchy and the Second Empire a long tradition of such support for Catholic missions in the Near East and China and showed itself as willing as its predecessors to shoulder what it felt to be its obligations in this respect .
26 Information relating to another or which would identify another as its source may not be shown unless that person consents .
27 Section 101 of the Local Government Act , 1972 , makes it possible for one authority to appoint another as its agent to carry out its statutory duties — this applies to all functions except education , social services and emergency services .
28 Whether it was the cash he was now heavy with or the challenge of out-running a Daimler that motivated him , he put his cab through its paces , proving it more mobile than its bulk would have suggested .
29 In fact as well as fiction the Victorian house had become more private than its Regency predecessors ; one might even claim that it had developed distinct symptoms of Wemmick 's siege mentality .
30 No part of Russia 's social fabric is more durable than its network of people with research at heart .
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