Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] they [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is n't that where they found his clothes ?
2 This was developed very highly in the Hollywood movies of the Thirties where they attempted to put ‘ colour ’ into the pictures in terms of light and shade .
3 ‘ And to tell my friends to be more careful where they discussed other people 's affairs !
4 Bourgeois society took for granted the sanctity of property , the supremacy of the market as a social regulator , the propriety of individual self-improvement and self-advancement , the abandonment of the traditional and irrational where they stood in the way of utility , and a belief in progress .
5 That 's damn funny where they went to !
6 The curtains were wet where they had been sucked into the fringe of the deluge .
7 Earlier , at a London news conference , Mr Ashdown challenged Mr Kinnock and Mr Major to make clear where they stood in the event of a hung parliament .
8 ( In fact , the French lines there on February 21st were no better prepared than they had been on the Right Bank , and the rejoinder that if he had not had adequate forces he should not have undertaken the offensive in the first place is almost too obvious ) .
9 On average prices were around 25 per cent lower between 1720 and 1780 than they had been between 1660 and 1680 .
10 My legs were steadier than they had been the night before but they still dithered weakly .
11 Trade unions were in fact in a much stronger position in 1933 than they had been in 1921 or 1922 .
12 The audience were no surer of this than they had been of the song .
13 He had but three vessels left and despite urgent pleas from his men — now demoralized again , fretful once they realized another ship was gone — to abandon the voyage and sail back to the Guadalquivir , he pressed on north-westwards , passing through scenery of a wild grandeur and beauty he had never known before .
14 The colonel explained that the reason for the exclusion zone would become clear once they saw what had been found in the excavation .
15 They did n't know what to say to this so they said nothing and he stood there , grinning and rubbing his hands together .
16 Well I mean I , I , when I joined in forty nine the , the fire uniform was n't all that much different except they had black helmets instead of yellow , and , and they had rubber boots and they did n't have the leggings we have , and so on now , but the walking-out uniform was the old army battledress died blue , that 's all it was .
17 Certainly Churchill and Eden found that their dealings with Eisenhower and Dulles were no easier than they had been with the Democrats : in fact they often thought them worse .
18 Derek Hegarty says it 's been tougher than they expected because the winds up in Scotland were very strong and after a few days they had troubles with their knees but they 've managed to keep going …
19 The ranks of the discontented were also swelled by returning soldiers who found things less rosy than they had hoped .
20 In the debate Lord Holland recognised the dread among the upper classes that the lower orders might be seduced by subversive principles , " particularly afloat at this moment " , but also considered that some masters were taking advantage of this moment to " enforce their views and render their workmen more dependent than they had hitherto been and than in all fairness and equity they ought to be " .
21 In the 1993 edition of its US Industrial Outlook , the Commerce Department in Washington is predicting that book sales will grow at a faster rate in 1993 than they did in 1992 , says BP Report .
22 Those remaining faced disease and starvation and the prospect of continuing civil war because the Russians left Afghanistan more unstable than they found it .
23 Well after this if they got a big rest did n't it , because I looked at , when we played Norwich and it was March the nineteenth , well given that there was a game the week before , are you listening to me ?
24 He argued , quoting The Green Book , that all children should have the opportunity of education , and he thought it most improbable these girls would have this if they had to travel to Zawiya .
25 The governors of royal colonies , appointed by the king , were expected to maintain a rather dignified and aloof attitude and it was thought that they might find it hard to do this if they had lived in the colony as subordinates or as private citizens in the past .
26 At the end of September the group split up ; determined to get away from things English , they now decided to explore different areas , thinking they would learn more German if they gave up each others ' company .
27 This total would be cut by half if they transferred their educational budgets to central government .
28 People must believe that you 're such a tough shit you would snap them in half if they sneezed .
29 Erm that would have been much much quicker if they 'd bothered and organized them but they had n't organized anything .
30 They would be less conspicuous if they walked .
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