Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 At least one can make more sense of this than in our first two cases .
2 They exchanged photographs before they met , but when I first saw him he looked years older and much fatter than in his photo and now it 's emerged that he 's 48 and divorced .
3 A lot of the time you just shoot because you 're caught up in something then you see it published and you 're a bit embarrassed because in your heart you know what it was .
4 The Church of England 's authorities need to be careful lest in their desire to maintain ‘ ethos ’ and ‘ style ’ they miss completely the breath of the Holy Spirit 's life as it blows past them .
5 Yet morale in the European shops was never as high as in their UK counterparts and they often had to beg for a booster visit from their patrons .
6 Have n't you two grown ’ Well , you know you do tend to grow slightly between the ages of 8 and 16 , or 14 and 22 as in my brother 's case .
7 The majority , 78 per cent of males and 75 per cent of females aged 65 + , thought that people were healthier than in their parents ' time .
8 Men are still able to father children into their seventies , though their sperm count is lower than in their youth .
9 When the war brought an end to Joe 's Palace career he had played 276 Southern League games for us — the highest in the club 's history , but when they are seen in context they assume even greater value , for not only were the maximum possible appearances lower than in our present day ( only one of Johnson 's seasons with us included a 42 match programme ) but goalkeepers were subject to much more physical attention than is permitted today .
10 At Ruislip , he would have been nominally in a grade one lower than in his Hendon post and would have not been able to exercise his abilities as a mechanic .
11 That the accounts department is not part of B S 5750 except in its relationship with er , researchers .
12 In few places are the results of the explorations of Sweeney Agonistes clearer than in his 1927 attack on Lawrence whom he sees as fatally humourless .
13 He 's a bit of a ladies ' man , ’ he said , adding ‘ Nigella Lawson — she 's very tasty , nicer than in her picture .
14 ‘ Just as ruthless in your personal as in your professional life , then ? ’
15 In this , as much as in its expectation of the proximity of the event and of the brave new world that the event would introduce , Marx 's vision was as millenarian as Owen 's .
16 The CAP is significant in what it represents as much as in its own failings .
17 Louis was a man to whom error was unforgivable , in himself as much as in his associates or employees .
18 From what we know , however , the structural range found in the small towns is almost always far less diverse than in their larger urban counterparts .
19 Nowhere has the failure to build much needed roads been more obvious than in our cities .
20 The UDA now boasts 10,000 members , 30,000 fewer than in its heyday in the early 70s .
21 Undoubtedly they were places with magnetic stones and high natural radiation — things much rarer than in our modem technological society .
22 Palmer did not discover the paper until 1986 , but he was lucky because in his department at Brigham Young University in Utah was Steven Jones who had spent the previous four years doing custom-built experiments with muons , attempting to induce fusion in the lab .
23 In the parents ' houses the Dynmouth Hards crept upstairs and into bedrooms in which other people slept , considerate because in their homes they were required to be .
24 I regarded this as totally unfair since in my comments I had not picked on any particular individual .
25 This is more remarkable since in his own lifetime he had but few enthusiastic followers , nor did a school grow up around him to carry on his work .
26 The boys of Standard Seven did quite a clever act — there was a screen across the stage on which music had been painted — the notes were holes in the screen and the boys had their heads through these whilst in their mouths were small bazookas — small sound instruments .
27 The Stan Getz ( 1927–1991 ) of ‘ Opus de Bop ’ is not the tenorseductor of Girl from Ipanema , nor does he sound as lush and soft as in his later recordings , but there 's a fluidity in his solos that 's equally as distinctive as the later ‘ bossa nova ’ dates .
28 This review suggests that the existence of economic accumulations of hydrocarbons in the Variscan thrust province of southern England is at least as likely as in its counterparts in Europe or in North America .
29 In real life the situation is more complex than in our simple analogy .
30 A long-term decrease in ozone might systematically affect stratospheric temperatures so that the beginning of winter could be colder than in our simulations .
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