Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] on [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't suppose that that graveyard ever looked prettier than on our Mary 's wedding day .
2 His return route is not known but he was much quicker than on his way out as he arrived in Moscow at the beginning of February , 1718 , only 8 months after he left Peking .
3 And on twenty five minutes , Nigel Mott got that opening goal as an excellent through ball from Paul Biddle found him in space and he placed the ball wide of the Fairmile goalkeeper Mark Carrigan ; Fairmile were not to be perturbed by this as on their half an hour Wayne Glossop went close for the home side .
4 Trust it to be like this though on my half-day ! ’
5 Coherence is thus associated with complexity ; the meaning of the text is the product of the interaction of its parts , but this interaction depends as much on their difference from one another as on their similarity .
6 The museum was more crowded than on her previous visit , alive with the subdued noise of a lot of people trying to make no sound .
7 As the train approached Edinburgh 's Caledonian Station I found I was as nervous as on my first journey to Bletchley .
8 Terry was still feeling the sadness of leaving his mother and was more subdued than on their last leavetaking .
9 ‘ No , nothing at all , not a mention of Elsie at all except on her birthday .
10 It would n't surprise me at all if on my next visit to Sweden all the pedestrians were wearing miners ' lamps .
11 Now if you two charming ladies , and Herbert here , can persuade your betters to free you from the chains for an hour or two , we 're as good as on our way ! ’
12 The seating capacity was slightly less than on their L.C.C .
13 Referee David Axcell passed it fit an hour before kick-off after deciding the mud was no worse than on his hometown beach at Southend .
14 An article in the Stamford Mercury on 28 December 1950 claimed that St. Thomas ' Church was where Queen Eleanor 's funeral cortege stayed the night in December 1290 whilst on its journey to Westminster .
15 The effect on small firms could be greater than on their larger counterparts .
16 The weather was not quite as nice as on our two previous trips , but it kept dry .
17 This is in part due to practice ; but there is also an influence of maturation , for if a chick is prevented from pecking at food during its second day , it will still be better at pecking on its third than on its first day ( Figure 3.5 ) but it will not be as accurate as it would have been if it had been allowed to practise .
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