Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] [that] he " in BNC.

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1 In support of one of these views , James Michie ( 1964 : 9 ) writes in his translator 's preface " It is better that Horace should be " done down " into English than that he should be undone by the gradual disappearance of Latin from our culture " .
2 He looked like a buccaneer of old except that he wore not the wide-sleeved shirts and breeches of the past but the rough working clothes that had been her father 's .
3 What the diffident schoolboy has lost is the confidence that his beliefs are tracking the truth ; he takes it that , although he does believe that p , it is at least as probable that he is wrong as that he is right .
4 What more natural than that he should gravitate towards the Communist Party ?
5 What was more natural than that he should come to see his cousin at his place of work ?
6 And there was nothing surer than that he was going to need her when Guido finally caught up with him !
7 After all , in the war Barry would have been told that he was fighting to uphold the rights of small nations , so what could be more logical than that he should now fight for the rights of his own country , Ireland , a small nation if ever there was one !
8 More than that he can mash these lists of prospects together to produce delightfully implausible juxtapositions : exercise-bike owners who take educational holidays to the Ukraine ( there are only seven in Greater London ) ; lepers with a penchant for Janet Reger lingerie ( surprisingly enough , several hundred in Roseland alone ) ; Liberal Democrat Nintendo enthusiasts who are also Wagner buffs ( not as many as one might have hoped for ) .
9 Perhaps this meant no more than that he believed the propaganda , the lies and the flatter of those who surrounded him ; still , his belief had been complete .
10 More than that he was almost certainly looking forward to it because it meant going home to be with the Lord .
11 Polybius ' silence may mean nothing more than that he was inclined to ignore the differences of opinion among his Roman protectors .
12 All three write that he went on the pilgrimage in 822 , al-Makrizi saying that he had gone by way of Damascus , Ibn Hajar and al-Sayrafi possibly implying that he went from Jerusalem since they write that he " returned " there after the pilgrimage : the two versions are not , of course , mutually exclusive in any case , and the latter two authors may well mean no more than that he returned [ from the pilgrimage ] to Jerusalem .
13 At the utmost , the allegation that he relied on the testator 's promise seems to me to import no more than that he believed the testator would be as good as his word .
14 But more than that he is anxious to win the one big race about which he has always dreamed — the National .
15 Already he has looked something special in our 125cc races and has notched doubles at Bishopscourt and Aghadowey but more than that he was third in the 125cc Euro round at Mondello so he is heading the right way .
16 More than that he could not do .
17 A man who also honoured God , but more important than that he was a near kinsman of Ruth , or ra or rather Naomi rather , and there also of Ruth because of Ruth 's late husband .
18 This never came to trial and in the autumn he sold the land to IBM for a price similar to that received by other farmers , with a sum for damages much smaller than that he had sought in his suit .
19 and he used to come home looking as white as a sheet sick to the teeth and he used to just go to bed and collapse in a heap , he is n't strong enough to do it and it 's pointless for him to try but other than that he can do anything he fancies .
20 but other than that he mimics everything this one does , but cos it 's in a softer tone than when Cork does it , he sounds quite funny .
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