Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] [vb base] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He had done little except reiterate his protests against Philip 's invasion of his dominions .
2 When Travis seemed in need of another stiff drink , Sebastian served him liberally and , Travis 's tongue more free than it had ever been , he spoke of his love for Rosemary , his wish to marry her , but how because of her sense of propriety she would n't even let him take her out , or so much as mention her name to his family .
3 If you so much as loosen your seatbelt or drop your ash or pick your nose , then it 's an Alcatraz autopsy with the questions asked later .
4 Easy as wink your eye .
5 William Willesley very possibly had one , for although his personal circumstances were slightly better than average his stipend was a wretched one , £3. 13s. 4d. a year .
6 Dr Scott , from long experience , did no more than wrinkle his nose at the odour of decay , and spent twenty minutes there , mostly occupied with a careful consideration of the head .
7 When she saw him , she let out a little cry ( that bit took ages to rehearse : every bit that required Lady Laetitia to do more than flash her tits took ages ) , then turned and ran to the end of the room .
8 I agree with it in its entirety and would , in the ordinary way , be content to do no more than express my concurrence both in the reasoning and in the result .
9 As can be seen , the Dutch do more than hold their own in the strong German classes , even at this level .
10 According to Neale , Elizabeth had originally wished to do no more than reintroduce her father 's national church , but was pressured into a more radical programme by Protestants in the House of Commons , who insisted on the adoption of the 1552 Prayer Book .
11 The girls were now too close to their exam , too anxious to do more than lift their faces to him , but out of the tiredness and filth of lime he could be seen looking often at their heads bent over the lamplit pages in what looked close to melancholy and sunken reflection .
12 They could repatriate profits at the official exchange rate and then reinvest them at favourable black-market rates that more than offset their tax liabilities .
13 The lights flickered on before Graham could do more than put his arms round her .
14 If you want me to trust in you , you 'll have to do more than protest your innocence , or you go it alone . ’
15 Today Verzy produces excellent , full-bodied wines , rich in fruit and of distinct style which more than deserve their recent elevation to grand cru status .
16 Neither of them is over six foot yet both more than punch their weight .
17 To compete with the more than 2,000 commercial banks which have sprung up in Russia since then , Sberbank has to do more than teach its staff to smile .
18 Tony did no more than repeat his run of the morning .
19 We consulted the acknowledged experts in the field , many of whom were not known to the general public ; and for the most part we did little more than synthesise their conclusions in a readily digestible fashion .
20 A stunted little boy suddenly starts to shoot up like a weed , a plain adolescent turns into a beauty overnight , and well-preserved middle-aged men who reach sixty still looking forty-five suddenly make up the deficit and more than overtake their age , all in a few months .
21 She had been astonished before , but the words were barely out of her mouth when , causing her to be absolutely amazed , and with an effrontery she just could not credit , Naylor Massingham did no more than whip her spectacles from off her nose .
22 Unconcerned with the affairs of such people , the author does not attempt to do more than define their essentially subordinate role : they should not ‘ presume aboue ther own degre , nor conterfete the state of his Better , nor excede in their apparell or diet ’ .
23 Although Ross had insisted on seeing her every day , during that time he had never done anything more than kiss her hand .
24 There were genuine attempts to curb these activities but the PLO could do no more than send its security units into the streets to prevent looting .
25 The opposition reacted angrily to the intervention by French and Belgian troops , calling for their withdrawal and warning of more violence if they did anything more than evacuate their nationals .
26 We have only to think of numberless caged birds the world over who are better fed , more healthy , and longer lived than their fellows in the wild , yet apparently contented despite their inability to do little more than flap their wings .
27 If this booklet does no more than whet your appetite , the bibliography will take you further .
28 Perhaps she really did little more than lend her name , but it was to her at any rate that Queen Victoria 's secretary wrote with royal support for her venture ( the Queen had also supported the Victoria Press , named after her ) .
29 That 48½inch long weapon , described by some as a monstrosity and others as an affront to decency and the Royal and Ancient game , has , according to Sam , done no less than salvage his entire career .
30 N other than carry my daughter ,
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